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Macy's POV

"So..." I grimace in embarrassment and bite my lip, "We had sex?"

"Nope, we made out a little bit longer but I ultimately didn't allow it to go any further. As um- excited as I was, I wasn't going to take advantage of you. I knew you only said you wanted to because you had been drinking. You didn't seem to be that drunk anymore but since you forgot everything the next day, I guess I have bad perception."

Ollie clears his throat and if he was in front of me, I bet he would be shifting from one foot to the other awkwardly. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "For what it's worth, I wish I did remember."

The silence that follows makes me almost regret my admission but then he responds.

"I wish you remembered too. It was amazing. I haven't stopped thinking about you since."

Damn, how am I supposed to respond to that?


"Fuck yes."

Heat rushes to my cheeks and I'm thankful he can't see how much of a mess I am right now, "Oh."


Ollie starts laughing as the red covering my face burns brighter, "I didn't mean it like that, I swear! I'm just surprised I guess and you're um, very straightforward." 

"Sometimes I just don't have a filter and I say whatever I'm thinking. I think today is that kind of day. Sorry!"

"Don't worry, I grew up with a massive family who tells it as it is," I let out a light-hearted laugh, thinking back to memories that always leave a huge smile on my face.

"I wish I had that."

His voice sounds reserved and I debate whether or not I should ask any further questions or just change the subject.

"I'm sorry," I say instead, genuinely feeling for the guy. I can't imagine a life without all my crazy - but loving - family members. "That reminds me, how is your mum and Izzy?"

"Izzy is doing alright from what she's told me - she's spending more and more time with her friends which is understandable. And Mum... I honestly don't know. Izzy barely sees her and I live here so I have no idea what she's doing with her time. I message her every other day to ask how she is and tell her I love her. She never replies."

My heart aches, feeling as if it's stuck in the garbage crusher from Star Wars. "Oh, Ollie." I murmur solemnly, "I'm sure she loves you both very much." Oliver clears his throat again, most likely getting choked up and not wanting to show it. "You know I'm always here for you. This hotline isn't just for romantic heartache."

A few moments go by, along with varying thoughts of empathy.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much I appreciate that, Mace."

"Anytime. I'm just a call away."

"You're seriously the best. I'm so damn sorry for ignoring you. I was just butt-hurt about you forgetting and afraid of calling I guess. I know those are both shitty excuses, just know that I'm sorry."

"I forgive you," I smile and go back to biting my lip, deciding to tease Ollie, "But you're right, those are some pretty shitty excuses." 

Ollie chuckles cutely.

"Watch out, you. I might just have to come over there and pull some pranks."

"Ooh, I'm so scared. No, Ollie, don't pull 5th year pranks on me!" I feign terror, even going as far as to hold my hand to my heart even though he can't see me.

"Hey now, I can assure you that they're grown up pranks."

"Uh huh, sure, whatever floats your paper boat, buddy."

"As fun as getting mocked is, I gotta go."

A pout slips onto my face, "Okay, you better reply this time when I text you, Asshole."

"You're clingy but it's okay because you're cute."

I have to reassure my stuttering heart that he's joking before it goes into overdrive, "I know I am, thanks," I sass, trying to calm my insides. 

"Cheeky. Oh, and Macy?"

"Yeah, Ollie?"

"I think I'm gonna go see Mum tomorrow and see how she is in person."

My heart warms as my lips form a small smile, "I think that's a great idea. Call me or text me if you need me."

"Thank you."

"Of course. Goodbye, Ollie."

"See ya, Mace."

end of call


AN: I'm really happy with these last two chapters ❤️ Are you?


My passion for writing is back again after it decided to take an indefinite nap (thanks a lot Passion) ❤️ A lot of you may know - or have come to realise - that I'm quite the extreme hobbyist and I have ADD (along with other mental illnesses) so I often go through phases of writing and not writing. I just sometimes get this strong urge to write and it just flows and comes easy. However then I'll go through a phase not long after where I don't write at all - usually when I'm extremely stressed or down - and if I try to write, it feels more forced and takes a while to finish a chapter. 

The reason I mentioned that I'm an "extreme hobbyist" is because I am very multifaceted when it comes to my interests - I have SO MANY. I always swap between them (part of my ADD - I get distracted real quick) and when I'm focusing on one, I really FOCUS on it. For example, the past week I've been going through a 'reading' phase. I have spent every day and all day just reading. I'm not even kidding; if I wasn't reading then I was sleeping but I wouldn't sleep long. It was getting to the point where I had a migraine and felt extremely dizzy from staring at my phone for so long.

I have a reading addiction, like I seriously can't help it. I get so freaking invested in the books that I'm reading that I feel moody, snappy and disoriented 24/7 😂 This is all why out of all my hobbies, reading is the worst for me. I focus on that one the most and it's hard for me to stop or manage my time. However, there is one positive: it ends up motivating me to write because it gets me in the mood to keep creating and expanding the worlds in my works ❤️

Okay lol sorry for the long author's note, I did warn you haha I just felt like sharing 😂

- Chloe xx

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