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[Sent at 9:50]
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[Sent at 10:05]
Meirda! Wtf! Who's the puta? I can't believe Ollie would do this to you!

[Sent at 10:10]
I hope you're okay, I'm at the uni right now and won't be done until this afternoon, but I'll come over and we can have a girls' night? 💗

[Sent at 15:38]
I'm done! 💗 Knowing you, you've probably turned your phone off so I'm just gonna come on over. I'll bring the ice cream! Love you chica 💖

[Sent at 16:05]
Coming up now x

[Sent at 16:08]
Massima? You're not answering the door?

[Sent at 16:15]
Im gonna wait outside your door until you get home then 💚 I don't want you to go through this alone, I know how much you care for him x

[Sent at 20:27]
You're still not home 😔 where are you? I'm worried chica, you're my best amiga 💗 please don't push me away

[Sent at 20:30]
I'm gonna wait another hour before I go home, I have uni in the morning 💗 Theo keeps trying to message me but I'm ignoring him. That cabrón didn't even tell me about what happened and he was there! Pfft he probably got some too 😞

[Sent at 20:34]
Anyway, my point is that I'm on your side Macy, te quiero mucho x

[Sent at 21:49]
I got worried and called your mum. She said you were at her place, sleeping. I'm just happy you're safe, please talk to me when you get this 💖😣

[Sent at 12:21]
I've been trying to give you some time over the last couple days since you're hurting and probably want to be alone but pleaaaaase, I wanna be there for you 😭😭 I'm gonna call your work tomorrow if I still don't hear from you 💗

[Sent at 23:06]
Massima... I talked to Theo. He won't tell me everything about what's going with Ollie but he wants me to tell you to give Ollie a chance to explain. He also told me about Bianca... Lo siento 😭 I didn't know it was the same girl that Jay... Yeah. This sucks, lo siento 💔

[Sent at 23:08]
Theo wanted to tell Ollie why you're upset but I asked him not to so that you can contact him when you're ready. He's agreed to not tell - especially since he's not even sure if Ollie remembers the kiss - but he won't hold off forever 💗

[Sent at 13:02]
You still haven't answered so I'm gonna call your work 💖 talk to you soon x

[Sent at 21:52]
I know your phone's off but I still wanted to flick you a message to say I get it. Okay? I get why you're upset ♥️ hearing your voice today helped a bit but I'm still worried about you. Running from your problems isn't gonna solve them 💗😔 I just want you to be happy chica x

[Sent at 10:25]
Can't believe it's already Saturday again, what a long week 👀😔 hope you're taking care of yourself and I hope I hear from you again soon 🙃 I hope you don't hate me too much but I gave Theo your number in hopes that he could convince you to talk to Ollie since he knows him the best 💗 he probably messaged you earlier this morning but I guess you'll get it whenever you turn your phone back on xx te quiero y te extraño

[Sent at 11:36]
Hey Ellie... I'm sorry for all of this honestly, I feel like shit for ignoring you! I just knew that as soon as I turned on my phone, I would have texts from Ollie that I wasn't ready to deal with - I'm still not 😞 thank you for being such an amazing friend, I love you so much 💜 I could never hate you, you're just trying to look out for me. I guess the message I have from an unknown number is Theo, I'll check it soon but I doubt it'll have much affect. I appreciate you both though 💜

[Sent at 11:40]
I'm changing my number. I'll text you from it once the sim cards are swapped 😊 don't message this number back x


AN: Their friendship is so cute tbh 😭💖

- Chloe x

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