From 4 to 5 (A Finn Harries One Shot)

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Character Name: Alexa

Height: 5’ 5”

Hair Color: Light brown

Personality: Loving, Caring, and slightly silly

History: She has been dating Finn for four years and is deeply in love. She and Finn have been though a lot together in the past year since she had lost her grandmother who was pretty much like her mother.

Setting: Group Ski trip

Other Characters: Finn Harries Alexa’s boyfriend, Jack Harries Finn’s twin brother, and Stacy her best friend and pretty much her sister.

I was sitting on the bed in mine and Finn’s room of the hotel. I had my phone in my hand and I was trying to concentrate on what I had just figured out. According to the calendar I was over three days late for my period. I know that this isn’t usually something to worry about but I was never late I could predict the exact day that it was supposed to come and go, so it was really something if I was late.

The thought had already crossed my mind that maybe I could be pregnant but I didn’t want to believe that. Finn came into the room a smile on his face, “Jack and I are going down to the gym and Stacy said she was going to the spa if you wanted to join her.” He said but once he saw the worried expression on my face his smile faded, replaced with the mirror of worry I'm sure mine showed, “What’s wrong?” he questioned sitting down next to me.

I tucked my phone in my pocket locking the screen, it was now or never and if I wasn’t then at least we would know, “I think… I might be pregnant,” I said keeping my eyes on the ground not wanting to see his face.

“Are you sure?” he asked sounding a little worried.

“I'm pretty sure I mean I'm late and I’ve never been late,” I said still keeping my eyes locked on the carpet.

“Have you taken a test yet?”

“No I just noticed I was late a few minutes ago,” I said quietly trying to figure out how we could have let this happen.

“Well then you have to take a test we have to find out,” he said standing. He looked back down at me taking my hand and standing me up, “Hey… it’s alright, if you are then we can figure this out together,” he said lifting my chin and kissing my lips lightly.

“Finny are you going to come?” Jack said walking into the room.

“Um… no, Alexa isn’t feeling well I'm going to stay here with her,” he said looking down at me clearly worried about what Jack would think of the situation.

“Alright then, hope you feel better Alexa,” Jack said giving me a hug and walking out.

Finn brought me into a hug resting his chin on my head. We waited till Stacy and Jack left and then Finn said he would go to the first aid station to see if they had a test.

He came back a few minutes later with the test in hand and a scared look on his face. I took the test and locked myself in the bathroom. After the five minute wait I hesitantly looked at the test, two little pink lines. I took the instructions and read them over. Two lines means I'm pregnant, I sat on the edge of the bath tub with my head in my hands breathing deeply.

There was a soft knock on the door, “Are you alright Alexa,” it was Finn of course.

“Yeah,” I said as I stood up. I pulled open the door and handed him the small plastic test.

“What does this mean?” he asked looking at it confused.

“It means that we are having a baby Finn,” I was scared what were we going to do.

“What are we going to do about it?”

“I don’t know what do you want to do about it?”

“I want to keep the baby if you want to.”

“I do,” I breathed smiling at him.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. He pulled back, “Wait there was something I was going to do tonight at dinner but now is better than later,” he said turning to the dresser and pulling something out. He turned back around and got down on one knee. I felt the tears coming now, “I was going to wait till tonight to ask you but I couldn’t wait.” He said opening the little velvet box to reveal the beautiful diamond engagement ring, “Alexa the past four years with you has been amazing and I can only hope for more years to come. With a baby now on the way I already know that I will be the happiest dad ever, but I would love it if you could make me the happiest husband ever. Will you marry me Alexa,” he finished a hopeful smile in place on his face.

“Yes,” I said holding my hand to my mouth trying not to cry but failing. He took my left had placing the ring on my hand. He took me into his arms and kissed me.

“You know that means we have two things to tell Stacy and Jack about tonight,” he said laughing.

“Oh crap what are they going to think about all of this?”

“Well I'm sure Stacy will think we are stupid for getting pregnant but she will be happy that we are taking responsibility for what we did, and Jack well he’s just going to be excited about being an uncle, he’ll probably make our baby a youtube now,” we both laughed at his stupid joke but he probably was right about that part.

“And you can make him a website.”


I stressed over it all day while Stacy and Jack were out. When they finally got back we all got ready for dinner and headed out to the hotel restaurant. Half way through the dinner Finn spoke up, “Alexa and I have something that we need to tell you guys about,” he looked at me waiting for me to tell them.

I took a deep breath, “Well I'm pregnant, and we are engaged.”

“What, you're pregnant?” Stacy asked.

“Yeah,” Finn answered for me.

“Well I'm happy for you guys you will be great parents,” she said standing up and hugging both of us.

“Sweet I'm going to be an uncle,” Jack said.

“Told you,” Finn said laughing.

We finished dinner and headed back to the room.


*A Few Months Later (The Wedding)*

We talked to both of our parents about the situations when we had gotten back from the trip and they weren’t too happy with it, but we assured them that we were taking the responsibility. My parents agreed to pay for the wedding like they would of even if I hadn’t been pregnant.

My mother and Finn’s mother had taken me to most of my doctor’s appointments and the pregnancy was all good.

The wedding was in less than twenty-four hours, and I was dead nervous about it. I knew that marrying Finn was the right choice but I still felt nervous about it I wasn’t sure why.

After calming me down we made it through the night and to the church the next day. The time passed slowly and then it was finally time for me to make my way down the aisle. The music started to play and my father took my hand giving it a squeeze. We linked arms and started our slow walk. I looked up to see Finn in his tux looking ever so adorable and all my nerves washed away.

The ceremony finished quickly and I was officially Mrs. Finn Harries.

*The baby*

Seven months after the wedding and finally the day had come that the baby was going to be born. She was born at 6:48 am and was 18 in. long and weighed exactly 7 pounds.

We decided on the name Audrey May Harries. 

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