One Week (A Finn Harries One Shot)

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Character Name: Monica

Height: 5' 2"

Hair Color: Light Brown

History: Auditioned for X-Factor and currently lives in LA for the competition.

Setting: California during X-Factor

Other Characters: Finn and Jack Harries, Chris body/security guard, Melanie fellow contestant/friend

I was sat in my room staring at the ceiling trying to comprehend all that had happened in the past month. I had gone from a normal high school student to a singer on a competition show. I couldn't go anywhere without being recognized and I had to have a body guard with me where ever I went for protection issues.

There was a knock on my door breaking me out of my thought, "Come in," I call sitting up.

"Hey Monica I was thinking about going to the mall how do you feel about a girls day?" Melanie questioned coming into my room.

"By girls day I'm sure you mean me you and Chris," I say laughing a little.

"Well duh," she laughs blushing slightly. I nod my head quickly standing up and throwing on a pair of jeans over my pajama shorts. I threw my hair into a pony tail smiling at Melanie. She rolled her eyes pulling on my arm.

You see when it comes to getting ready for something I never put much into it well unless it's a live show then I take forever but other than that I don't feel the need to do much and I don't look horrible either. We got to the front door where Chris was waiting. Chris was about two years older than Melanie and I so he was nineteen. He was tall though about six one and me being only five two this meant he was a giant to me. Melanie on the other hand was about four inches taller than me perfect height for him, which was good considering she had a major crush on him.

"Ready to go girls?" he asked giving Melanie a flirty smile. I rolled my eyes and we headed out to the car, and were on our way.

We got there and thankfully there weren't and paps or rabid fans. We walked in with our faces hidden slightly while Chris tried to block us but in a way that didn't look too obvious. I followed Melanie to Hollister where she immediately started hunting for the perfect dress. I rifled through a few of the shirts spotting one I liked and called to Mel, "I'm going to go try this on," she waved her hand in my direction showing that she heard me but was too focused on finding the dress she wanted to turn around.

In the dim light of the dressing room I tried on the shirt, admiring the way it clung to my body but at the same time not really feeling the color. I sighed to myself and took it off changing back into my shirt. I walked out of the dressing room and over to where I got the shirt from putting it back. I turned to find Mel and Chris only to come face to face with another person and fall back a little as we collided, "Oh gosh I'm sorry," I mumbled looking up at the guy I had ran into. I couldn't see much of his face but I could see he was gorgeous.

"Don't worry about it love no one's hurt," he said smiling at me. I felt myself shiver at his accent it was amazing. I always did have a soft spot for British accents but then again what girl didn't.

"Right," I mumbled not sure what to say and very distracted by him.

"I'm Finn by the way," he said sticking his hand out.

"Monica," I said smiling and shaking his hand.

"Well Monica, I feel it really is my fault for running into you how about you let me make it up to you, by maybe buying you a coffee?" he asked in a flirty voice with a flirty smile on his face.

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