Chapter 31

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»Hey Yoongi baby.« Soomin cooed and run over to him to hug him tightly. Yoongi hugged her back and smiled. »The same as always?« She run her finger over his torso.

Jimin watched them talking and clenched his fist. »Yes bub.« He patted her head and she let go to prepare something.

Yoongi saw Jimin and Felix. He walked over to their table. »Hey Lix« They gave each other a high five. Then Yoongi smiled at the younger on the opposite side. »Jiminie.« He nodded to the boy. »Long time no see.« Yoongi chuckles.

»Mhm...« Jimin hummed. He looked out of the window, avoiding Yoongi's glance. »Hey would you mind if I sit down here?« Yoongi asked. Jimin turned around. »Yes! Yes we do mind because we are on a date. So just...piss off Yoongi.« Jimin grabbed Felix hand tightly. Yoongi froze. »Sure...I'm sorry.« He said.

He sat to the table text to theirs and waited. Soomin came back with a smile on her face and placed Yoongi's hot chocolate on his table. »A hot chocolate for you~« she summed.

When Jimin heard that he smiled for himself. I like hot chocolate.

»Jimin don't you wanna drink?« Felix asked, nipping from the drink. »Actually I don't really like iced coffee.«

Soomin smirked. »I would have been surprised if our baby would have drunk that.« She patted Yoongi's back, which Jimin saw. »You know. I actually like that.« He said.

»I like it so much I wanna taste it like that.« He looked at Yoongi, then cupped Felix' face to kiss him passionately.

He heard a chair fall down and broke apart from his date. »Soomin I think I should leave.« Yoongi said. Soomin stood there frozen.

Yoongi put the chair back, then walked out of the coffee shop. Jimin felt tears crawling up his eyes.

»Uhm...Jimin?« Felix touched his cheek softly. »I'm sorry Felix.« He mumbled. »Why are you sorry? You made me really happy.« Felix forced Jimin to look into his eyes. »Hey. Are you alright baby?«

»I just don't wanna rush things. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.« Felix cupped his cheeks. »Can you do it again?« He leaned forward to Jimin's face.

Jimin closed his eyes and waited for Felix' to touch his.

~ ♡ ~

Jimin screamed into his pillow. Jungkook patted his back. »Jiminie~« He whined.
»Talk to me noow!!« He hit his head and the older looked up to him. »Worst. First. Date. Ever.« He said looking back down into his pillow.

»Why?« Jungkook turned Jimin around and saw tears in his eyes. »Jimin...What happened?« He asked all serious. »I-i kissed him.«

Jungkook's eyes widened. »But the last time you kissed someone—«
»I know.« Jimin sobbed.

Jungkook hugged him tightly. »You brat.« He mumbled into his neck.

Someone knocked at his door and Jin entered the room. »Oh no. Baby what happened?« He laid his arms around the two younger and Jungkook said what Jimin did.

Jin let go and stared at Jimin in disbelief. »Why did you do that angel?« Worries laid in Jin's eyes. »I don't know. Yoongi was there and...He and Soomin, you know the girl who workes there, they seemed so close. And...and I just did.« He said, slapping his hands on his face. »I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid.«

Jin sat down beside him. »You are not.« He side-hugged him. »Do you think you can sleep alone tonight?« Jungkook asked his hyung. Jimin shook his head. Jungkook nodded.

»Jungkook you can't stay here.« Jin said. »But hyung. He needs me!« Jungkook pouted. Jimin giggled at him. »I'll call someone.« Jin said and left the room for five minutes.

When he came back he had a bright smile in his face. »Someone's coming for you.«


»Don't worry. You'll be okey.« Jin said. »I have to go now kids.« He kissed Jimin's forehead. »Everything will be okey.« Jimin nodded, then Jin left. Junhkook sighed and looked at Jimin.

»Jiminie, What is it now with Felix?« Jungkook tried to figure out more about what happened. »I don't know.«
»Do you like him?« Jimin lift his shoulders. »I don't know.«

»Then who do you like?« Jimin looked down. »I don't know.« The younger sighed. »Jimin, you are stupid.«

Suddenly someone knocked at his door. Jungkook stood up and opened it. »Oh.«

A/N: I'm in the mood to write rn so maybe this won't be the last chapter for today. It's getting serious now babes ~V

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