Chapter 1

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More often than not John went along with some of Sherlock's more bizarre methods of solving cases. It was just a normal part of his life since having moved into the flat with Sherlock, and honestly he wouldn't have it any other way as the alternative was rotting to death from lack of adrenaline and boredom. /This/ time, however, John was more than a bit unsure about helping the detective with wrapping up their latest case involving a string of murders. Namely it was because of the plan that his flatmate had come up with, which naturally had to involve himself.

"Sherlock, do you honestly expect me to wear this thing?" John asked as he eyed the collar resting in his hand once again. He'd been handed it once being given the explanation of what was happening. It was made of smooth, dark leather with a silver tag with his name etched into it attached to a sturdy loop on the front of it. The collar also locked, apparently. "Why can't you do this with someone more...I dunno...fitting?" The plan, as it had been explained to John in a rush and with no prior warnings, was to draw the killer they'd been tracking out at an underground club of sorts. Namely by using John as bait. It just so happened to also be the sort of club that specialized in all sorts of things that shouldn't ever be brought up in polite conversation, let alone out of the blue with no warnings whatsoever. Understandably, John wasn't keen on the idea of posing as Sherlock's 'pet' in this club. Especially considering the fact that he was supposed to be adhering to his constant mantra of 'not gay' --even if that was a lie more because he didn't think Sherlock was at all interested in anyone let alone the blond doctor.

"It's for a case, John. So, no. But it's too late. You have to." Sherlock said, looking through all the information on his desk, then picking up his loaded pistol and shooting at the wall. After four more bullets, he hid the gun in his trousers at the back, and put on his coat and scarf. "Get changed. I'll be in the cab." Sherlock exclaimed swiftly as he pretty much hopped to the door, happy about this case, for more reasons than one.

John sighed as he looked down at the collar again. He knew of course that asking for their roles to be switched was pointless. Sherlock wouldn't be able to play the role of the submissive pet in the slightest, and at least the blonde had an idea of what to do given he'd dabbled in Uni. He finally just attached the collar around his neck, surprised to find it fit perfectly, before changing into the 'clothes' which had been bought for him. It wasn't exactly the word he'd use, but he changed and headed out to slide into the cab with Sherlock. The cabbie didn't seem interested in paying attention to either of them which was a blessing at the very least.

The cab was silent for most of the ride, which Sherlock was glad about. In truth, he thought John looked ridiculous, and yet suited his outfit. He didn't see how it was possible, but he hoped most of the people tonight thought that John was Sherlock's... Pet, thingy. He didn't know exactly how to put it into words.

John doubted he'd wore so little before in his life. The outfit wasn't uncomfortable necessarily in the way of physical comfort, but he'd feel like he was exposed through their time there. A part of him wished it wasn't just for a case that this was happening considering Sherlock and him would need to play intimate for this to work. Considering he felt that Sherlock would never want anything to do with him it would make the night difficult. Once the cab stopped at their destination and the cabbie was paid he turned to Sherlock with a raised brow. "So what am I calling you then?" he asked. "Obviously I can't go about calling you 'Sherlock', so any preference?" Really it would either be 'sir' or 'master', but he supposed the other might tell him not to speak at all. He did have an idea of what this would be like, but he'd only dabbled never fully went into anything like this.

"Whatever you want. But no, not Sherlock." This was part of Sherlock's plan.Not one for a case, however. It was John's chance to show how much he knew, and wanted. Sherlock knew they''d have to play... Close, tonight, and he was happy to do so. With only John.

John nodded and thought for a moment. "I suppose I'll be fine with either. Master is probably what I'll use though." He said with a shrug. He'd be lying if he didn't already get a thrill at thinking of it. He'd need to not show his hand too much, though. The last thing he wanted was Sherlock to shoot him down later when his interest was made known. "And I trust you, so whatever we end up having to do'll be all fine, alright?"

"Master? Okay..." Sherlock thought for a moment. "Maybe more than just one name though. It'll be much more... believable."Sherlock nodded as he payed and got out the cab at the bar.

John nodded and followed after Sherlock. He was aware that this was suppose to be a place where this sort of dynamic was welcome and common. He hoped they managed to fit in. "Whatever you think is going to work best." he agreed quietly before they headed into their destination.

Sherlock checked for his pistol before entering the club, and found it was still there. He knew not to take his coat off; then it'd be too noticeable. So instead he walked straight to a table, as John went to get two drinks for them. Sherlock watched John as he walked off, smiled and shook his head of the stirring thoughts. He glanced at the other in the club but nobody seemed to compare to his closest friend. He knew it wasn't right but he just couldn't help it.

John was aware as he went to get drinks that people were appraising him, sizing him up. When he was returning he had to dodge around a few overly forward people trying to corner him before he was back at Sherlock's side. He'd been watching, and the other submissives and pets were either on the laps of the people they were with or kneeling beside them. Given the the club was nice and the floor seemed clean enough John settled down beside Sherlock on his knees as the rest of the collared people in the room did. They had a decent vantage point of most of the club, and if John happened to lean ever so slightly against Sherlock's leg well...he could just blame it on wanting to look believable.

Sherlock saw all the other pets were sitting on the laps of their 'masters.' Oh. how he wished John would sit on Sherlock's lap! "John? Why are you kneeling?" Sherlock whispered from above his 'pet.' "Everybody else is sitting on the knees!" Sherlock did see some other kneeling on the floor, but couldn't help himself as to saying that.

John glanced up at Sherlock, brow furrowed for a few seconds. There were a decent number of others kneeling, but he supposed that if the detective was alright with him sitting in his lap it could look better for them. He slipped up and onto Sherlock's lap, their height difference making it work perfectly. "Better?" he murmured, voice only loud enough for Sherlock to hear.

Sherlock smiled cheekily to himself. "Much better." He tried to hide the happiness in his voice, but even he could tell it hadn't done much.

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