Chapter 17

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"For four years."

//John POV//

Oh, he's pushing his luck. He really, really is.

I could punch him right now. Just a quick snap across his face, maybe fracture his nose - I know how to do it so that it's a fracture, not a break. I'm a doctor. I know stuff.

"Don't you DARE try to make me jealous, Jim. Don't even try thinking about it!" The rage poured out of me like hot water from a kettle. Only, it wasn't aimed at Moriarty. "Sherlock, why did you not tell me? I trusted you, anf then you go and LIE to me? What kind of a relationship is that?"

"John, listen. I didn't want to lie, but I had to keep you safe! He knew it was you. He was jealous and wanted you gone, so he said if I told you before he did, then one of us would be urdered.I couldn't bare that to happen to you. I wouldn't be able to live without you."

"Yeah?" Calm down, John. Just freaking CALM DOWN! "Well, now you know how I felt when you JUMPED OFF A FLIPPING BUILDING!" The tears were streaming down my clouded face. I turned to leave but a hand grasped my wrist and wouldn't let go. I turned, quick so as not to give them a chance, and slapped Sherlock across the cheek.

Only,it was Moriarty's face I slapped, not Sherlock's. He let go of my wrist and let me walk away. They had both watched me and I didn't turn around or want to go back. They didn't deserve it. 

Why didn't he tell me? He really should have told me.

The tears kept falling as I questioned this over and over and over again inside my head. Why? How? Why? Should have told me. All whirling through my mind and never stopping. I kept walking and didn't know where I was going until I stopped outside a door.

Mary's house.

I nervously knocked on the door, hoping she would understand. To my suprise, a man answered the door.

"Yes? Who are you?" He said, with a low, steady voice.

"Is Mary here? I need to speak to her."

"Uh, yes. Come on in. Guessing you're a friend of hers, then?" I nodded solemly. I don't know why I came here. I just, kind of, did.

Mary walked in with a grin on her face, which faded as soon as she saw me.

"Why are you here? Where is Sherlock? John, why are you crying?" Her face was full of highly noticable concern. The salty water didn't stop raining from my clouded eyes. I could barely see properly as Mary - I think - walked over to me and sat me down on the sofa.

"John? What's wrong, love?" She asked me, obviously unsure of what to say.

"Sherlock..." I struggled to gasp the words out of my mouth, but somehow I managed. Only just. "Mor-Moriarty. He lied. He lied to me." The tears kept moving down my face, unable to stop. "He lied." I buried my face into Mary's shoulder. "It's all ruined. Everything is ruined."

"What do you mean? John, please, tell me. What did he lie about?"

I had to calm down before I could say anything else. When I was able to breath again, I began talking. 

"Sherlock and Moriarty. They went out. They dated in university." I quoted Moriarty from earlier. "For four years." I managed to choke out before I started to bawl again. "He said - He said he didn't know, Moriarty.He said he was just, just a random person." I gasped in between sobs. "Why did he lie to me? MAry, he lied. Sherlock lied to me."

Hours passed of me talking - well, crying - to Mary about what had happened. For the whole four hours I was there, I stopped crying twice. That was it. Two times.

And the only reason I left was because there was a knock on the door. I composed myself and watched as Mary stood up ad walked over to the mahogony door and opened it to find a man standing there, dripping wet, tears also streaming down his face. Sherlock. His curly hair was no longer curly, his green eyes were sad and lonely in the rain. Only one thought had processed through my mind when I saw him.

My little otter.



I enjoyed writing the chapter. Is it normal to cry whilst writing your own story? Didn't think so. You didn't read that.

But, yeah, I enjoyed it. It was a good experience and there are over 700 words! Also, I have over 200 reads already! Thank you all so much. My next chater will be up either later on today or tomorrow night after school has finished :) They'll be a little twist in the enxt chapter. Even more of a twist than normal XD. So yeah.


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