Chapter 13

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I watched him walk towards his death.

//Sherlock POV//

I walked out, knowing I wouldn't return. I knew it would be my last time in 221B Baker Street. The last time I saw John.

And I didn't say bye...

Why didn't I say bye? I should've said bye. Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

Goodbye, John.

As I walked out of the flat, my eyes began to water and I had the urge to turn back to John and just hug him; to kiss him; to never ever let him go. But I couldn't turn back. Not after that letter. Once again, it was either my life or John's.

You see, I didn't read out the whole letter. At the end, it read:

P.S. If you don't come, then your... loved one, will be in two.

Basically, meaning that if I didn't go, John would literally be in two pieces. I know the riddles of this person. I won't say who it is just yet because of certain reasons, but he's dangerous. Too dangerous to just ignore. I just kept on walking, knowing I was saving his life.

Walking to the building where i was supposed to meet him, I realised that he knew. He knew everything. And what did he mean when he said 'I have eyes all over the UK.'

God, he sounded like Mycroft.

Speaking of Mycroft, why did he have a letter off-

"Hello, Sherly." I heard from behind me. I turned on my heels and looked into the eyes of the voice's source.


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