Chapter 37

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"That could work."

//John POV//

Sherlock smiled into the kiss as he said this; a gesture which I returned, happily.

After a few more seconds, we come back up for air. We were both panting lightly and our hand were still locked together. "Oh my God. Sherlock, what time is it?" I questioned, eyes wide staring into Sherlock's.

"It is..." He lifted his right arm to reveal a watch. "1:26. Wh-Oh God." We forget the meeting with Lestrade. He was going to meet us in the lobby 6 minutes ago... Had it really been 6 hours? Well, I suppose we had stopped a few times, and I went to make some tea - which was still sitting on the coffee table in front of us, obviously cold by now. The TV was on, Jeremy Kyle crossing the screen, watching as two women argued over a man called Cameron.

"Damn." Sherlock mumbled under his breath as he got up and wrapped his coat around his waist, followed by his scarf around his thin, ivory-coloured neck. I pulled on a jumper over my shirt and pulled my shoes on. We both were ready at the same time and Sherlock opened the door for me, allowing me to walk out first, which I did.

When we got to the lift, Sherlock's hand appeared out of his pocket and found it's way to my own. We got into the metal box and stood close as we went down.

"Lestrade." Sherlock said, blankly. I smiled at Greg, who looked pretty annoyed.

"Sherlock, John. You're late." His eyebrows jerked up and I regretted what I was about to say before I even said it.

"You probably don't want to know what we were doing." Lestrade's eyebrows flew up higher, if that were possible, and Sherlock's smirk was visable from the corner of my eye, which made me smile too.

"No, not... I mean-"

"No no. John's right. You don't want to know." Sherlock chuckled. "Seriously. Right, case. Go on."

"Right. Uh, murders, probably the work of a serial killer, maybe Moriarty... Uh, two families were found dead at a churchyard, both family parents were... Gay." Lestrade looked up from the file when he said the last word.

"John, how do you feel about having a child?"

"What-You're asking me that, at a time like this?"

"So, that's a no, then?"

"Heck no." Sherlock smirked and Lestrade's brows furrowed.

"Oh!" He practically shouted. "Congratulations." He said as he pulled us into an embrace. I looked over at Sherlock to see a slightly pained look on his face.

//Sherlock POV//

Ugh. Hugs. With John, they're perfectly fine, but with... him, not so much. I pulled a face as John looked over at me and saw him chuckle. I noticed his left hand still had the ring on it.

When I finally managed to push Lestrade away from us, he was smiling like a lunatic would. I grabbed John's right hand as Lestrade picked up his left. He looked at the ring and his mouth gaped open.

"So now it's actually happening. It's not just in my mind, you two are actually together - engaged! Well... Well done Sherlock. You actually did it."

"Wait he knew?" John's gaze feel upon my eyes and he looked confused.

"Uh, yeah. I told him when I first started to think about marriage... With you." He smiled at me. Pulled it off. I told him when I first met John. At the very beginning. In, what John called, the 'Study In Pink.' At the crime scene of the pink lady, when he asked who John was and I said "he's with me." The look in my eyes must have told him, because he asked me as John was putting on the blue-suit thing. We started walking and he asked if we were an item. I said no, but I want to be and he immediately understood. Since then, he always thought we were a couple. Incorrectly too, I must say.

"Okay, Sherlock. So, the most recent murder. They were two men, in a relationship, one of them was called John." John gasped silently next to me, making me chuckle.

We left for the crime scene. When we got to the churchyard/graveyard, the first thing I noticed was a note. I read it aloud.

"Sherlock and John. If this case isn't enough to prove that you chose wrong, then you need help. Sherlock, you were the best thing that happened to me. And now, because of that John, it's all ruined." I turned to look at John before saying the last sentence on the page.

"John's next. JM x."

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