Chapter 5

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"Well, hello, little brother and... friend." He gave John an evil look and he walked forwards and into Sherlock's view. "Did you miss me?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes and stood up, pushing John off his knees in the process.

"What, Mycroft?" He replied, irritated already. "What are you doing here?"

Mycroft frowned, still glaring at Sherlock. "Why? Am I not welcome in my own club? Look, I'm a member here." He took a card out of his coat pocket (what is it with coats in the Holmes family?) and showed it to Sherlock and John, now sitting on the floor.

"Mycroft? Whats going on?" John stood up and took the card out of his hand, before showing it to Sherlock. It was real, too.

"Oh, well you know. A 'case.'" Mycroft held up his hands and did the sarcastic motation thing with his fingers at the last word. Sherlock faced his feet, not daring to look at his brother or friend. Everybody was still watching them.

Mycroft grinned an evil grin and turned on his heels. As he was walking away, he shouted back, "I wish you two luck in your... Relationship." and chuckled, opening the door and walking out of the club without so much as a goodbye.

Sherlock and John turned to look at each other, stood for two seconds like that, then burst out laughing at nothing in particular. A relationship. That sounded nice.

What about Mary and the baby?

Sherlock must have thought the same thing because he stopped laughing and asked that same question. What would he do? Divorce her? If he did, he'd still look after his child at least 3 times a week. Sherlock could help. He's not great with kids, but stil. It could work!

Ha! As if that would happen.

"I dont knos, Sherlock." John said as he picked up his jacket and walked towards the exit. He got his phone out of his jacket pocket and rang Mary.

"Hello? Mary? Yeah, it's me. Okay, listen. I'm not coming home tonight. Yeah, Mary I know, but it's late. Fine! I'll stay in a hotel, even though there's a free room in Sherlock's flat. Yes. Okay. Mary... yeah, okay. Speak to you tomorrow. Yes. Right, okay. Mary, I've got to go. Okay, bye. Yeah, love you too. Bye, bye." John hung up the phone with tears stinging his eyes. When he felt two hands on his shoulders he turned to see Sherlock's beaming face and smiled.

They walked down the side streets hand-in-hand, not caring what anybody said. John would ask for a divorce tomorrow and tell Mary the truth. Of course, he loved Mary, but he loved Sherlock more. He couldn't pass up an opportunity like this, as he might not get another one.

As soon as he saw a taxi, Sherlock called for it. Once a taxi had pulled over and they were inside of it, John held his head in his hands. What would Mary think if he left her? What would Sherlock think if he didnt? There was no way to make everybody happy, including himself.

He'd be happy with both of them, but would constantly think of the other...

The taxi ride was silent once again, but this time it was much more bearable. As soon as they got to Baker Street, John noticed the body outside the door.

"Mary? What's she doing here?" Johm crawled out of the taxi, forgetting about his outfit. He put one foot on the floor and pulled it back into the warmth of the taxi. God, it was a cold floor. When he stepped back, he stood on Sherlock's foot and fell back into his body. "Sorry, Sherlock. It's cold out there!" So Sherlock took off his coat amd put it around John's bare shoulders. John slipped his arms in, seemingly not noticing the fact that the coat went way past his ankles.

"Thanks." Now he had to brave the cold wet ground on his practically bare feet.

Hopping from the taxi straight to the front door, John almost fell and was caught by Mary - his pregnant wife - who gave him a quizzical look. He smiled and opened the door whilst hopping on the spot. Jumping inside, he heard the kettle boiling; Mary must have told Mrs Hudson to put it in for her.

John slid on his slippers and wrapped Sherlock's coat closer around him as he walked up the stairs to the flat, Sherlock and Mary following behind. John flung open the door and flomped onto his chair.

"Hi, what's up Mary?" He asked in a daze, smiling like a lunatic.

"Um, I... John, I'm sorry but I want a divorce. It doesnt feel right being married. You've acting differently since the marriage and I dont like it. Sorry." She expected him to look shocked and disagree, but instead all she got was "Perfect! I was going to ask you that tomorrow but you beat me to it. Well done." Mary's mouth just wouldnt shut.

"So, you're okay with it? How come?"

"Well... Me and Sherlock were on a case... He told me he was gay, and I kissed him. Mary, I'm sorry but I love him." John answered, standing up and walking over to Sherlock. He slid his hand into Sherlock's and leant against his chest, smiling limply to Mary, who had one single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Okay, so I married a gay man?" She looked at John, frowning slightly. She saw John nod and Sherlock's appologetic facial expression. Then she saw red.

Mary tried to ignore it and walk away but the sight of her husband with another man drove her crazy. Sherlock noticed this, and carefully pushed John behind his back to protect him.

"Mary. Mary, listen. I'm sorry, okay? I'm really, really sorry, but its not John's fault. Its mine, so take it out on me, not him. Please, dont hurt John."

"Sherlock, what are you-"

"No, John. Dont worry. Mary, listen. You have a child. Please dont do anything to harm him or her. John will still help out with the baby. I promise he will. He'll pay for some stuff, and he'll look after it every weekend so you can have a break, and... Mary, please. Dont hurt him. Please." Sherlock was crying now, and his breath sounded funny.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't." Mary glared at Sherlock, awaiting the answer.

"Because... Mary, I love him."

"Yeah? Well so do I." Mary shouted, tears stumbling down onto her nose and chin.

Before Sherlock could say anything else, Mary turned on her heels and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

John was watching Sherlock's reaction to the arguement. Who'd have thought that a guy and girl would argue over someone like John.

Sherlock sat back onto the sofa and threw his head back. What has he done?

John walked over to sit next to him and leant into Sherlock arm.

What has he done?

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