{4}The Graduation Exam

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❇Chapter Four❇
🎓The Graduation Exams🎓

Today was the day, the day you'll finally become genuin. Your sensei has been telling your parents that you were a fast learner and a quick thinker which made your parents proud of you and encourages you to do your best.
You, along with the other students where lined off before sensei, ready to commence the exam.
You had to choose between either Shadow clone jutsu or replication jutsu. You looked over to the very end of the line to see Rock Lee, 'How is he going to pass the test if he doesn't have ninjitsu?
I'll never know, all I could do is wish him all the best. He is a very ambitious young man and doesn't give up very easily which I admire. Good luck, Lee.'
Neji was called up first, he showed no kind of fear or anxiousness, he showed no emotion at all. As he made his hand signs, chakra circulated him and he chanted, "Replication jutsu."
*poof!* there was a replica of sensei standing right before himself. "Very good, Neji. (Name), you're next." You exhaled as you stepped forward, you made a few hand signs then chanted, "Replication shadow-clone jutsu!" 
'What in the world is this girl doing!?' Neji thought.
*poof!* there was a replica of sensei and a clone of you. "Impressive, (Name)."


  The class had to wait for the sensei to sum up their scores. They were marked for:

•Creativity- the way in which you summon your chakra and your stance.

•Process- on how the jutsu was displayed.

•Outcome- What is displayed after the summoning of chakra and the waving of hand signs.

"Are you nervous, Neji?"You asked, "Are you serious? I'm bound to pass this simple test." He scoffed at your stupid question.
"Am I bound to pass?" You asked, "You did well, so yes." You smiled at his reply.
About what seems like forever, sensei finally stepped in with the headbands and the results. "Neji, you got 5 for creativity, 5 for the process and 5 for the outcome. Congratulations,
you passed the graduation exam." Sensei handed him his headband. Neji gave you a glance saying, 'I told you so!' You smiled at him, saying 'I'm proud of you!'
"(Name), you got 5 for creativity, 4 for process and 5 for outcome. Congratulations, you passed the graduation exams." He then handed you your headband and proceeded with calling other students.
"I guess you were right, Neji."
You smiled at him then tied the headband around your neck.


Later that day, you met up with Neji to train.
"Try again." Neji commanded for the umpteenth time, you sighed and tried to activate your byakugan but failed. Again..
Neji sighed, losing patience, "Think of something that angers you."
He commended.
You closed your eyes shut and thought about things that angered you,

'I don't know why you joined the academy when you can't even use your byakugan, pathetic. People like you and Hinata aren't meant for fighting, you two were meant to be sitting around and being served tea.'

'You don't know me, you don't know my family, you don't know what made me this way, you don't know what happened to me and you don't know how to activate your Byakugan. You know nothing and you will never know..'

You waved hand signs and chanted, "Byakugan!" There was rapid pulsing around your eyes and it began to hurt. "My eyes hurt and my eyesight is puffy."
"Look at me," He said,
"And tell me what do you see." You looked up at him,
"I see your chakra points.." You replied,
"I see the same in you, now the fight is fair. Hit me with what you've got."
"If you say so.." You shrugged. You zoomed up to him and tried to hit a chakra point in his shoulder, he grabbed your hand and replied with a hit to a chakra point in your forearm, as much as you wanted to scream in pain, but you held it in. You tugged your hand away and gave him a round-house kick, He grabbed your leg and flung you into a tree.
"You've improved in your combat skills, keep it up."
"Oh- yeah.." You stuttered.
"It's getting late, come along now.."

Being creative is not a crime, but try your best to fit within the logic of the anime.

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