{26}The News

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✳Chapter 27✳
The News

    Neji nor the others have not been home for a week and a half now, you looked at your half of the Yin and Yang pendant on your neck, they gave you Yin and Neji had Yang.
The world can't survive without Yin and Yang, meaning that you and Neji can't survive without each other.
"(Name), can you come here for a minute?"
You got up and went over to your mother.
"Is there a problem?"
"Some Jonins are at the door for you," You simply nodded and went downstairs.
"Yes?" you opened the door to see two Jōnins at the door. "Neji is-"
"He got impaled three times about the chest, one straight though the heart?"
"Yes, how did you-" You cut them off by raising your hand.
"Where is his body?"
"The hospital."
You sighed and walked out your house, closing the door and following the two men to the hospital. Mama Mai was outside sweeping her deck when she looked at you, "I told you honey, and people say I'm crazy? Hehehe.." She chuckled as she continued to sweep.


    Naruto and the others scratched their heads and looked around nervously, already knowing what's about to go down.
"This way," One of the men said, showing you where Neji said.
"Prepare for crying," Ino took cotton and placed it in her ears.
"(Name), we--" Tenten and Lee tried to explain what happened, you gave them a nod and simply said, "I know." then followed the Jonins into the room.
   Neji was laying on the bed with a white blanket over his face to show that he's dead. You sat by his side and lifted the blanket off his face, he slept so peacefully.  You tugged off the rest of the blanket to see the impale marks, as the saying goes, the good die young. But he was too young.
"And what about Tsunade? Did she do anything?"
"She was no where to be found when this happened, but she tried her best and nothing seems to come through."
"Alright, can you, leave me alone with him for a while?"
"Sure," They left and closed the door behind them.
    Naruto and the others stood behind the the watching glass, observing carefully just in case you try to do anything rash.
"Why didn't you listen to me, Neji? And look at you now, lying here lifeless and, and- free of your curse.."

"Everyone born into the lower branch has this curse seal, the only way it can be removed is if you die."

   You lifted off his headband to see if the curse mark was there. nothing was there. You bent down and kissed his empty forehead, just like you did back in the infirmary during the last examination.
A single tear ran down your cheek, onto Neji's forehead. "Rest in peace, Neji, my love.."
    You touched his hand once more and got up to leave and a hand grabbed your wrist firmly, you looked back and it was Neji's hand holding your wrist.
"What the- Neji's a zombie!!" Naruto shouted and carried on.
"Shut it, Naruto! You're spoiling the moment." Sakura punched him, he landed on the tiled floor face first, his butt pointed in the air.
   He pulled you down and coughed dryly.
Miraculously, Neji sat up holding his chest, he coughed once more and rubbed his eyes, as though he woke up like every normal day.
"N- Neji?" You asked in disbelief, you rubbed your eyes several times and he was still there and alive. 
"Nurse, call the nurse-" You stood up.

No, don't do that.." He tugged you back down.
"How is this possible? You had THREE impales to the chest and one went straight through the heart. You should have listened to me, Neji you should have listened to me! That very same night I had a nightmare that this would happen, and you didn't-"
He held up his half of the Yin and Yang pendant to show that it had a little dent, "I told you, we're always with each other, wherever we are and wherever we may be. And like the elders said, we can't survive without each other. I love you, and I mean that."
"Oh, Neji.. I love you, too!" You began to cry, He got up and kissed you, joining the two pendants together in unity.

Two lost souls found themselves together again..

You kissed him back as he picked you up and spun you around. Ino and the others applauded outside.
"No, don't kiss him back! You'd get infected--"
"Shut up!" Naruto collected a double punch to the face, flying out the entrance of tbe hospital.
Sakura and Ino looked at each other and smiled.

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