{27}Til Death, Do Us Part

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✳Chapter 27✳
Til Death, Do Us Part

   It was the time the Hyuuga Clan was waiting for, the marriage of you and Neji is coming in a few weeks time. And you both thought that it was about time that you tell your friends, about everything.


"Guys, I know we promised not to keep secrets between us and I broke that promise."
"Out with it, girl, we all have our secrets." Ino said.
"Neji and I are engaged."
Naruto choked on his ramen, Shikamaru coughed dryly while smoking his cigarette, Ino spat water, Choji got his chopsticks stuck down his throat, Sai simply shrugged, it's like his emotions were washed away along with his pigmentation.
And from the looks of it, they didn't take the news well.
"How could you keep this from us!?"
"I'm sorry okay!? It was Hyuuga business."
"The Hyuuga Clan is in this village, we are from this village, and what goes on in this village, is our business!"
"The clan's council said to keep it a secret, okay!?" You shouted, they ceased.
"Neji's family and mine were feuding for the past century. And what they thought the solution to this was for Neji and I to get married. And we were engaged when we were thirteen so, it was an arranged marriage."
"Hinata, did you know about this?"
She nodded, "You heard (Name), it was to be kept secret."
"I was going to ask you guys to attend but.. it looks like you're not going to come.." You paid for your order.
"You people are just selfish, even though I wasn't expecting her and Neji to be married, I still didn't react any kind of way."
"Oh really? Said the one who choked on his cigarette."
"That's not what I'm getting at, you blonde bimbo! We are adults now, what if I wasn't a virgin anymore would you kill me for that? We aren't kids anymore, so of course we will keep certain things on a personal level.. You better go apologize." Shikamaru continued to smoke his cigarette.
"(Name), wait up!"
Ino and Sakura stopped you as you were about to go home.
"We're sorry about how we reacted earlier. We'd love to attend!"
"The others, too!"


    For the past few days before the wedding day was very dramatic.
Hinabi was kidnapped and the wedding was almost postponed,
Hinata was almost married to this 'Moon Man' named Toneri,
The entire world was on the brink of collapse and all the villages had to work together.. Let's just say, that challenges came along to force us into postponing the marriage.


   You took a look at yourself at the dressing table and sighed, your mother walked in and placed her hands on her hips. "Why are you not dressed?  The ceremony is about to start!"
She turned you around to see your eyes filled with tears, ready to fall out at any second.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?"
"Am I doing the right thing? Will my actions have consequences?" You asked in a week voice, your tears ruining your makeup.
"Are you in love with Neji?"
"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with this person?"
"Think about it, honey, think about from the day you two met  to now. Are you ready for this?"


"You don't know me, you don't know my family, you don't know what made me this way, you don't know what happened to me and you don't know how to activate your Byakugan. You know nothing and you will never know.."

"What were you doing out here around this hour of night?"

"I thought you can't be a ninja because you're a 'Lady'.."

"It's utterly senseless to run away because at the end of it all, you still have to go back home. You're lucky to have two parents that love you but you take their love for granted."

"It's none of your concern."

"Is that what you're going to say to your opponent in the chunin exams?"

"That is basic, wait until the Chunin exams and see if you'll be tailing behind me then.."

"Do you know what it takes to be a ninja or do you think this is some joke? It takes bravery, strength, sacrifice and tears to be a ninja. You have to put your life on the line for the ones you love and for the village, are you ready for that. For such responsibility?"

"Destiny is something inevitable, something bound to happen; it's fate. What is your destiny?"

"Do you know what it's like to be bounded to something, or to someone?" 

"I see you, too."

"I told you, we're always with each other, wherever we are and wherever we may be. And like the elders said, we can't survive without each other. I love you, and I mean that."


"Yes, yes, I am ready!" You hugged her, "Then what are you waiting for? Go out there and take what's yours!"
Your mother said.


    The wedding was a wonderful memory to cherish, Hinata and Naruto got married that same day, too.
"The feud is over..."
"Yes, it is. Because of us."
"I love you, Neji."
"And I've always loved you, (Name). Don't you dare forget that,"
"Even when you tried to kill me?"
He chuckled, "Even when I tried to kill you.."
With that being said,
you kissed under the glistening moonlight.

In Loving Memory of 
Hyuuga Neji

R. I. P.

Return If Possible


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