{9}First Mission 3

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❇Chapter Nine❇
First Mission
(Part 3)
📆Sunday-Day 1📆

  "Where is (Name)?"
"She slept in, I tried everything I could but she can't seem to wake up."
"Oh for Heaven's sake," Neji went down the hall to your room. Though it was morning, you slept in, trapped in the dimension of dreams and nightmares.

"Do you know what it's like to be bounded to something, or to someone?" He shoved you up against a tree,
"Yes, I do. I know what it's like to be bounded to someone. I'm bounded to you for the rest of my life by some stupid family agreement. What are you bounded to?!"  You shoved him back.
Neji took off his headband, to reveal a glowing mark etched across his forehead. --

*SMACK!* You received a firm lash to your torso, "AH!" you flipped off the bed, right onto the floor. "Get up, have you forgotten?" You fluttered your eyes open to see Neji standing beside you, you knew it was him by the bandaged forehead.
"Have I forgotten wha- oh, it's training!" You jumped up and headed straight into the bathroom. 'Hmph, silly little girl.' He went back to the others.


"Okay, this mission is B ranked, possibly an A." Gai Sensei started, "Missions like these, you might need stealth."
"Please don't tell me we have to wear that body suit.." Tenten hoped, "I'll wear it, Gai Sensei!"
"I had that in mind but, I'll teach you how to channel your energy to your feet, to walk or stand on any surface.
Like this," Gai Sensei demonstrated by making the soles of his feet glow by waving hand signs and walking step by step up all the way to the top of the very tree. "What I want you to do exactly what I did and when you've reached your limit, take one of your Kunais and mark how far you stop and your squad members will try to beat it. Neji, go first." Gai said , "Alright," he gave himself a small grin. He ran a hand through his lush, brown hair and made his hand signs. With that done, he dashed up the tree,
'He's gonna make it to the top!' You thought, his foot cracked the bark which made him lose balance. He pulled out his kunai and marked above the the crack and landed next to you.  "That happens because you apply too much pressure as you run up the tree. Walk like that of a cat, one foot before the other. (Name), you give it a try." He said.
"Hai, Gai Sensei." You nodded and gave Neji a wink, meaning, 'Wish me luck!' He rolled his eyes which meant, 'I hope you fall to your death'.
You took your time as you waved your hand signs as beneath your feet glow.
You walked at a reasonable pace up the tall tree, the wooden surface beneath you cracked once but you didn't lose balance. You then began  running up to where Neji's mark was, 'She's going to fall any second now..' Neji foretold, 'She just might make it!' Tenten said, 'She's gonna make it! She is so determined!' Lee said.
The bark sunk in once more but much deeper, your foot went in and stopped up to your ankle, you whipped out your kunai and marked right beneath Neji's. You pulled out your foot and skated down the barley of the tree onto the ground, "Very good, (Name). Yours broke twice, but it was an inch close to Neji. Tenten, you're up."

enten stepped forward while pulling out her kunai then began to summon and channel her chakra by making hand signs.
With that, she walked at a reasonable pace, one foot before the other but yet still, her foot sunk in, she ran up and sliced a few inches below yours.  "Good try, Tenten. Lee my boy, you're up next."
"I will try my best, Gai Sensei!" He assured clenching his kunai in his fist.
He quickly waved hand signs then dashed up the tree, the bark cracked twic, he leapt over all two and continued to proceed up the tree.
The bark broke to the point where his entire leg went through, he was halfway away from Tenten's mark, he marked the bark and pulled out his foot.
He then began to fall.
"Lee!" You dashed up the tree and grabbed his foot, "Thank you, (Name). I have a great dept to repay."
"No need, Lee. We're  a team, right? We have to have each other's backs."
"Lee, you will get personal training from me to improve your skills. You can practice this for the rest of today until six o' clock."


"Hah... hah... How exhausting," Tenten sighed, almost out of breath.
"How do you do it?" She asked, "How do I do..what?"
"You know, get under Neji's skin by tailing right behind him in everything.."
"He..is a biased person, he judges things without knowing anything, he immediately knows your future. I do this to prove how wrong he is, about me, about everything."
"Do you wanna walk around the town and probably? We have lots of time till six."
"Yeah, taking a walk can't hurt." You dusted yourself off and went along with Tenten,
"Neji, Lee, we're gonna take a walk around town." You said,
"We'll be back before six!"
Tenten added.
"You know, this morning when Neji smacked you away this morning, he asked for you?"
"Really, what did you say?"
"First he came up to me like, 'Where's (Name)?' then I said, 'She's asleep, I tried to wake her but she sleeps too deep' Then he marched off and seconds after, you screamed." That was the first time Neji ever said your name, it was a shock to both you and Tenten. You made it to the town's market, children laughed and sang as a man played with a puppet dragon, vagrants sat upon wooden mats in the shade, a blind woman sang and played the lute while her monkey collected money in a straw hat, men were fetching in baskets of fish while the women butchered and sold them.  Tenten roamed around while you were eavesdropping on the conversation of two elderly vendors, "Aren't you coming?" Tenten asked, "Yeah, I'm coming.." You pretended as though you were checking out their hand woven futon.  "Is there something that caught your eye, my dear?" One of them asked, "No, I'm still looking." You politely smiled.
"They haven't found her yet?"
"No, royalty is sweet for a while but when duty and responsibility jumps in, it's bitter."
"it's been heard that she's been badly treated other members of the family."
"Other members of the family or do you mean soon to be husband?"
"She was a sweet and generous girl, she helped us and other vendors with our documents for us to keep vending."
"Not only that, she visits orphanages and gives the children toys and clothing."
"What a lovely girl, blossoming into a woman."
You glanced over at Tenten who was looking at handmade jewelery at a stall.
"Tenten!" You ran over to her, "You won't believe what I just heard."


"Gai Sensei!" You and Tenten ran into the room almost out of breath, "Where were you two?"
"We took a walk.. around the city.. and (Name).."
"I know this is wrong but I was eavesdropping on two vendors' conversation and they said that Aoi was engaged, to be married and the reason that she ran away because she was possibly mistreated."
"Why would he not inform us of such?"
"Maybe because he is ashamed of what he's done and doesn't want anyone to know, which they already do."
"It's already late, tomorrow he will be confronted."

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