{15}The Chunin Exams 1

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❇Chapter 15❇
The Chunin Exams(Part 1)
The Written Examination📝

  For days and nights you studied for this and finally, the day has come to prove how much you've learnt.
When Sensei taught in class, especially when you had to write the theories. They may not be important back then, but it sure as hell is important now.
   "Hinata!" You called out to her, "Did you receive the paper I sent you?"
"Yes, it helped me out a lot. Thank you so much!"
'Oh, another girl with those freakish doll eyes.' Kiba smirked, "Is this your sister, Hinata?"
"N-no Kiba, this is a close friend of mine, (Name) Hyuuga."
"Nice to meet you, Kiba. And you must be Shino." You greeted, "Yes, yes I am." Shino replied, adjusting his glasses upon the bridge of his nose.
  "Let us through!" You heard Tenten shout, you immediately rushed to see what it was. Two older ninjas, probably jōnin, where standing in the way of the elevator for us to get on the other floor. One of them struck her across the face, she stumbled back, into the arms of Lee. "That is no such way to treat a lady, especially when she worked so hard to get here!" Lee cursed,
"You can't do that!" You protested, "What are you gonna do about it?" One asked, "Cry?" The other joked. "No, as a matter of fact, none of us needs to pass."
"And why is that?"
"We're on the right floor, gen jitsu was used to change the sign. Isn't that right, Sakura?" Sasuke said.
"Oh- Yes, I spotted it from miles away." Sakura nodded.
"Thank you, are their statements wrong?"  You folded your arms.
   You saw Sasuke when you were back at the academy, girls were head over heals for him. For what reason? Because he, alongside Neji were the prodigies in the academy. That same pink haired girl was one of his fan girls. The blond boy was who Hinata raved about, he was determined and willing to fulfill his dream, so she said.
He very much reminded you of Lee. "Actually, this was the wrong floor. But at least you noticed the gen jitsu, welcome to the first exams." They allowed you to pass. Neji then approached Sasuke, "You, what is your name?"
"It's common courtesy to first give your name then ask for the other person's name. The name is Sasuke Uchiha."
'Ooh, cute.' Tenten chuckled to herself.
"Neji Hyuuga."
"Hey, do you wanna know my name!?" Naruto chimed in,
"Don't count on it."
Naruto was then put to shame.


You four entered the room, to be greeted by stares of jealousy and disgust. Most of the participants in the room looked three times older than the rest of you, old enough to be your grandparents as a matter of fact.
"Hi,I'm Naruto Uzumaki,"
The spiky haired blonde pointed his index finger toward the crowd,"and I'm gonna beat every single one of ya! Believe it-!" His teammate, Sakura, approached him from behind and strangled him from behind, "Narutooo!," she cursed him then faced to the crowd with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry about my teammate here. He's too excited about chunin exams..."

nd on she went .. But it still didn't calm the crowd, as the proctor walked in,everyone settled and took their seats,
"Okay,I'm your Proctor for your first exam which is...a written exam." Everyone groaned and complained,
the Proctor handed out the written test papers, "As you can see,there some people in gray sitting alongside your bench. They're here to watch out for people who wants to cheat,they've got the sharpest eyes so don't underestimate them" You glanced beside you, one of them pointed at their eyes and then at you, which meant 'I got my eyes on you, pretty girl.'
"You have exactly an hour,begin!" Everyone picked up their pencils and begun,some hasn't even started yet.

*With Neji*

He sat and meditated for a while before he even touched his pen and paper, 'You think you can outsmart me? You're dead wrong.' He smirked to himself and finally picked up his pen. He scribbled through the questions with flying colors, but came to an abrupt stop at question number ten. He noticed that you were only a few benches away from him and activated his byakugan to see through you, onto your paper.

*With (Name)*

You were already on number four, all those studies and practice tests had actually paid off.
Your back stung a little, maybe because you're straining your back the way you are sitting.
'This is basically angles and distance! Number five is (answer), number six is (answer), number seven is (answer), number eight is (answer), number nine is (answer) and finally, number ten is (answer)!'
"Yes!" You shouted and immediately dropped your pen and covered your mouth.
The same man swayed his pen from side to side, 'Ah, ah, ah, pretty pretty girl.'
The man grinned, you awkwardly looked away and rested your head on the desk.

*With Tenten*

Tenten sighed as she picked up her pen,
'Okay Tenten, remember our studies. Everything is going to be alright, as long as you don't glance into another persons paper.'
"You!" The man in gray pointed,
'W- what!? I didn't do anything..'
"Huh- what did I do!? I didn't cheat- Gah!!" The individual received one punch to the stomach. 'Phew! That was close!'

*With Lee*

'No matter how much I get, I'm still proud! After all, this is just to eliminate some participants, right?' He watched up from his paper to watch three people be dismissed from the examination.
'I will beat Sasuke and I will most definitely beat Neji, nothing's getting in the way of my dream!'


"An hour is up, put your pens and pencils down." The proctor smacked the blackboard to get the undivided attention of the remaining participants. Of four columns with at least twenty benches per column, only about ten to twelve remained per column.
  Proctor went through the questions on the blackboard and you got them all right,
Neji got nine out of ten; five in section one and four in section two, Tenten got seven out of ten; three in section one and four in section two and Lee got six out of ten; three in section one and three in section two.  
Out of the blue,a woman popped up, her name was...
"Good day maggots! I'm the second proctor for your exams, Proctor Anko!" She was a very shapely
ninja, she had the body of an hour glass, her hair was pulled up into a spiky ponytail, she was standing like a confident male; her hands on her unbelievably broad hips and her legs spread not too far apart, she wore a laced full-body suit up to her knees and a long beige dress jacket...
"Your second exams start tomorrow maggots,bright and early 7am! it is held at...The Forest Of death."
Everyone gasped in surprise... "See ya tomorrow,maggots!"



As you all left the examination room, you were all congratulated by Gai Sensei, "You did very well, my students."

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