{23}The Lie💋

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❇Chapter 23❇
The Lie💋

    Four years of being a ninja have passed ever so quickly, you couldn't believed what happened on such short amount of time.
Sasuke left, Sakura was a crying wreck. She still hadn't got over it.
Shikamaru's Sensei died and he developed habits of smoking, just like his Sensei.
Gai Sensei died, Lee wasn't the same. He didn't eat, he didn't sleep, he didn't leave his apartment for weeks.
You got on missions most of the times but occasionally, you stay back and help conduct infants in the academy or help around in the hospital. You also had a baby sister, she is now four years old and is very mischievous, you could go blind trying to keep track of her whereabouts.
And so on and so fourth.


"Can I come with you!? Can I, can I!? Please, please, please!!"
"Sorry, (Sister Name), you can't come. This is a meeting for Ninja and Shinobi, but I'll bring back ramen for you."
"Okay, make sure and put lots and lots and lots of meat!"
"Alright, give big sis a kiss." You bent down so she can kiss you, "I love you, big sis."
"I love you too," You kissed her forehead.
"Bye bye! Big brother Neji, take care of big sis!!!" She waved you both off,
"Yes, I will." Neji nodded with a small grin, it was really shocking how much he changed when he lost to Naruto. He still looks at you and everyone else coldly but you all have grown accustomed to it.
"She's a handful, ain't she?" Neji asked,
"Yeah, I was just the same so I can put up with her."
"Just imagine if it was a boy.." Neji shook his head with a chuckle.
"When, will you think is time to tell our friends that, we're getting married in a few years time?"
"Tell them nothing, we'll surprise them.."
"But can I tell them that we're, together?"
"I guess so.."

    Everyone was already there and placing their orders, you found your seats as your annual year end meeting was about to take place.
"Hey guys, we've come to the end of another GREAT and a VERY emotional year," Ino started,
"Those who've died for the sake of this generation, may your souls rest in peace and we, the Ninja and Shinobi of this generation, will uphold your legacies. Continue to watch over us, your children." Sakura prayed for the sake of those who died for us and this village. Rock Lee wiped a few tears from his eyes as he clasped his hands to pray.
"May  eternal rest be granted upon your souls."
You all repeated after the prayer was said.
"So, anything new that we need to bring to our attention?"
"I'm afraid (Name) has something to say," Tenten mumbled.
"Tenten!" You hit her,
she shrugged. You guessed that it was it, your friends had to know the truth. Well, some of it.
"Okay guys, you caught us red handed. Neji and I were together since the  starting of this year end meeting."
"That's not something you keep from us, your friends?"
"You know me for the past four years now, I'm not a person to brag and I like to keep things to myself.."
"Just like you keep him to yourself?"  Sakura nudged Ino and everyone laughed.
"Neji, you're a lucky man." Naruto teased,
"Always was, always will.."

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