So many skele's

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Papyrus put you down, in front of you was a very big cabin. As soon as you reached the destination Edge and Berry went inside.

" HUMAN! THIS IS OUR HOME! " Papyrus smiled, seemingly noticing your wide eyed look at their house.

" It's so big! " You said cupping your cheeks in wonder, leaning forward slightly.

" MWEH! OF COURSE, BECAUSE IT MUST BE ABLE TO FIT ALL OF THE INHABITANTS INSIDE IT! " Blue said, slipping his gloved hand into yours.

" HUMAN, WOULD YOU LIKE A HOUSE TOUR? " Papyrus gasped, tiny stars gleaming in his eye sockets.

" Yes please! " You smiled up at him.

" OF COURSE! " Papyrus said, Blue jumped up and down eager to say something.

" COULD I COME TOO? " He said


" FOLLOW ME HUMAN, BLUE! " Papyrus smiled, Blue gave a hearty 'MWEH HEH HEH' before following Paps into their house, you followed in after.

" AND THIS IS OUR STORAGE CLOSET! " Papyrus smirked at the closet filled with bones, which lead you to be confused but shrugged it off.


" BLUE IS RIGHT, WE MUST GO GATHER THEM NOW! YOU SHOULD WAIT IN THE KITCHEN HUMAN! " Papyrus shook your shoulders, causing you to giggle.

" Okay. " You swiftly turned around, heading downstairs to the kitchen. Which apparently was Blue's and Papyrus's favorite part of the house. They already ate cookies with you and put the remaining ones in the cupboard. As you reached the kitchen you sat at one of the bar stools that were by the island. Suddenly, you heard loud thumps from upstairs and then the sounds following down the stairs. That was quick.

" HUMAN! MEET ALL OF OUR FRIENDS! " Blue said, motioning to the skeletons, three you have already met.

" WE HAVE ALREADY INTRODUCED OURSELVES YOU IMBECILES, CANT WE LEAVE? " Edge grumbled, glaring at the two cinnamon rolls.

" WHA- NO! YOU MUST STAY HERE BECAUSE WE ARE HAVING A SLEEPOVER! ALL OF YOU WILL BE JOINING! " Papyrus butted in, holding his brother- which you still don't know the name of, under his arm. Edge and Berry grumbled a small bit but nodded nonetheless. The first skeleton came up to you.

" names stretch, what about you? " He said holding out his hand, he wore a big orange hoodie and his lanky form towered over you, much like Papyrus but he was a little bit shorter, and he seemed to slouch a lot. He also wore brown cargo pants and orange untied sneakers.

" ( Y/N ). " You smiled tilting your head slightly, grabbing his hand a shaking it softly. Stretch nodded and turned around. Papyrus's brother came up to you, seeming to be put down.

" sans is the name. " He said, holding his hand out like Stretch did. You nodded.

" ( Y/N ) is my name, don't wear it out " Sans, smiled at you and walked back over to his brother.

" hey doll. " a voice randomly said causing you to squeak.

" RED! DONT SCARE HER LIKE THAT! " Blue scolded, pouting at him. The others were staring at you, probably because of the squeak...

" eh, whateva'. s' nice ta meetcha' ( Y/N ) " Red drawled, a thick new york accent coming from his 'throat', you nodded now looking at the last skeleton that hasn't greeted you. He is lanky like Stretch, but has sharper teeth and one golden fang. You assumed he was Berry's brother. He stared at you.. Before Berry butted in-

" MUTT, GREET THE HUMAN! " He shouted, gaining 'mutt's' attention, You flinched at the outburst but the skeleton didn't seem fazed at all, like he was used to this treatment- you were pulled out of your thoughts when the skeleton started shuffling towards you.

" Hi? " You stated quietly, though it sounded more like a question than a statement. The skeleton stopped in front of you, staring at you for a while before muttering his name.

" rus "

You nodded smiling gently at him, it seemed as if he didn't talk much.


" OTHER FRIENDS, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US IN OUR AMAZING SLEEPOVER YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! " Papyrus grinned, before trotting over to a closet- where you would assume he was collecting pillows and blankets. Meanwhile Blue pulled you into the living room. Well- more like lifted you up onto his shoulder, causing you to wrap your tail around his 'waist' because of the sudden movement. Once you got to the living room, he plopped you down onto the couch and patted your head, his hand lingering there for a moment. He snapped out of his mini gaze before quickly turning around and going to the shelves beside the t.v. You ignored the fact that you thought you saw a small blue tint on his cheek bones and just watched as he pulled out a movie? Show. You don't exactly know a lot about culture, being spread from society for a long time. Even though while at the market you occasionally saw some movies on separate shelves.

Papyrus waddled in, arms filled with blankets and pillows. He dropped them all to the ground, and then looked up at you.


" WOWIE! REALLY? THIS WILL BE SO EXCITING! " Blue gasped, looking up from the movie case he was carefully examining.

Currently, everyone was in the living room. On a blanket. You helped Blue and Papyrus move the table. ( well, kinda. you just gave them emotional support because they lifted the whole thing above their heads )

And you were now watching a Napstabot and Mettaton special, Blue and Papyrus were on either of your sides. Relativity close. While they seemed to be shaking from excitement, you got the hint a while ago that they really liked these robots. Beside Blue and Papyrus were their brothers. Edge and Berry were on the couch, claiming " THE FLOOR IS TO DIRTY FOR MY STANDARDS " you all just shrugged it off, Fell was sitting on an armchair angled beside the couch fast asleep. And Rus was sitting infront of where Berry was.

"-And that is all beauties and gentle beauties! Thank you for watching our cooking show! " Napstabot and Mettaton said in sync. Papyrus lifted his hand and turned off the T.V.

" I Think It Is Time For Us To Go To Bed. " Papyrus said, being quieter. Seeming to regard Red. Which you found cute that he would be so considerate.

" Agreed! " Blue smiled. You looked behind you at Edge and Berry to see them glaring at eachother.

" THIS COUCH IS MINE! " Edge shouted, startling Red.

" GRRR! YOU GREMLIN, THIS IS MY COUCH AND I WILL BE USING IT TO SLEEP! " Berry pouted, crossing his arms. Red glared at Berry, Rus saw and glared at Red. You could sense that if this continued there could be a fight.

" H-how about you do rock paper scissors! " You piped up, Berry and Edge snapped their heads towards you.


" UGH- FINE! SINCE I AM FAR MORE CIVILIZED THAN YOU, I WILL USE THE ARM CHAIR! " Berry grumbled. Standing up and stomping over to the armchair before plopping into it.

You sighed gently, and took of your hoodie. Revealing your tank top. Blue got up and turned off the lights. But thats when you noticed a light in the corner of the room, it was plugged into the wall. And it had Blue, green, and magenta lights coming out of it. ( did you guys have any of these as a kid? i know i had one, and a heart shaped one. )

You stretched your wings and tail a smidge, just to make sure you didn't disturb Blue or Paps. And you grabbed the blanket from under you wrapping it around your body so you looked and felt like a burrito, then curling in on yourself, wrapping your tail around your torso and your wings around yourself. Now that you were super warm and ?comfortable? You sighed and closed your eyes, right before sleep took over you. you felt two pairs of arms wrap around you and the owners of the arms snuggling into you.

Some fluff for 'yall.

Life in a forest ( Au sanses x reader x au papyruses )Where stories live. Discover now