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The wind rustled you awake, you peered around. Oh right-

You decided to go camping with your besties, they had plenty of tents but you chose to sleep outside, the cold didn't bother you much anyway. I sniffed a little and peered upwards, the moon bright and casting a nice light over your face. You then looked downwards towards the four tents each pair were sharing, your tail slithered along the base of the tree you sat on, rubbing the rough skin of it onto the tender bark. You then twisted your torso and sighed in delight when your spine popped. The branch under you creaked as you sat up, jumping down onto the soft grass made the slight burn on your scratched and calloused hands subside. You could hear soft snoring from the tents and chuckled slightly, but stopped in fear of waking one of them up. You squinted your orbs when you stared up at the moon again, the gorgeous planet made you almost envy it. But who would be jealous of the moon- 

You shook your head and sat up, beginning your walk to a separate clearing, one that stood near a cliff. Leaves rustled under your feet as you trudged through them, they made a somewhat comforting noise in the dead of night. As you stopped by the cliff you tuned into your surroundings. The slight wind brushing against your body, and the steady croak of a woodland frog. You sighed in contentment as you sat down on the cold dewy ground. You then fell back, hair sprawled on the forest floor, as you starred up at the dark starry sky.

" was wondering where you went. " Someone said. You gasped sitting up slightly and turning around. Your hair framing your face. Stretch chuckled and bent down to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, making a slight blush form.

" sorry honey, heard you walking around and decided to investigate. " he winked, you smiled and giggled.

" Well there's definitely room for one more. " You motioned beside you.

" I just wanted to star gaze, since- I haven't actually done that in a while. " You continued

" i used to have a lot of astronomy books, i-.. i think i can name a few of them. some are a bit lost on me since- there are star to many to count " he punned, chuckling

You groaned " That was so bad and you know it. "

" you're smiling~ " He grinned playfully, you nodded and hummed. 

You couldn't believe how lucky you were to meet all of them.

More of a filler chapter than anything, but that's fiinneeee. I hope you enjoyed 1 on 1 time with your buddy ol' pall Stretch, ;)

Life in a forest ( Au sanses x reader x au papyruses )Where stories live. Discover now