Night out part 2

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After packing up your things to eat Sans brought you all to a place called Grillby's, which you noted Papyrus, Edge, Blue, and Berry, all groaned in disgust at. While Red, Stretch, and Rus smiled at Sans' choice. Which his grin widened somehow.

You guys walked in and you were greeted with warm air, and a heavenly smell.

" It smells really good in here, Sans. " you smiled at him

" thanks, I am pretty good a picking places fast where we can rest-aurant. " ( sorry i suck at jokes lmao ) Sans said while blushing, he rubbed the back of his neck. You giggled at his pun, which only increased his blush and it continued onto the others faces, it kinda looked like a colourful rainbow.

You pulled on the closest hand, which happened to be Sans', and pulled him to one of the booths, beckoning the others to follow.

There were a few menu's there, and you all picked what you wanted when Grillby came over. And the food came over a little bit later.


" yeah, but you can't deny, it tastes good. " Sans shrugged, Papyrus squinted glaring playfully at Sans.

You were about to say something before you were interrupted by Sans guzzling the ketchup he ordered with his food, you stared in shock and disgust.

Sans turned over to look at you and nearly choked..

" heheh! you should see the look on your face! " he chuckled, 

" S-SORRY! " you squeaked out, face growing hot.

" 's fine. " 

You laughed a little, turning  towards the others. " What do you guys wanna do after? " 

The table paused before Rus cut in.

" we could watch a movie. "

" THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! " Blue smiled, you nodded.


You were all seated around the living room, Stretch and Rus were sandwiched beside you. Edge was on the arm chair, Blue, Berry, and Papyrus were on a separate couch. And Red and Sans were on a smaller couch.

The menu screen for ( The movie you picked ) showed up, and Sans clicked play. The movie going to companies intro, then playing the movie.

Next was Papyrus' movie, Which happened to be Mulan. 

Then it was Blue's movie, he chose The Quest for Camelot. The dragon duo in the movie made you laugh.

Berry's movie was after, He chose Coraline.

Then Edge, He chose The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Which Red commented " boss, it's not even christmas. " and only got a glare from Edge, which promptly shut him up.

Red's movie was next, he chose Emperors New Groove,

Then Rus, He chose Spirited Away.

Stretch chose Lilo and Stitch.

And last but not least, Sans. He chose Brother Bear.

At the end of all the movies it was around 1 am, Stretch had his arms wrapped around your shoulders, while Rus' arms were wrapped around your middle. And they were both asleep. Along with everyone else. Around the middle of Brother Bear is when your eyes slipped closed.


You were awoken by someone shaking you awake, it was Berry. 

" WAKE UP HUMAN, ITS TIME FOR BREAKFAST. " He said surprisingly gently, but still loud.

" Okay! " You smiled, wriggling out of Stretch and Rus' grip. And promptly walking to the kitchen.

You saw Papyrus walk past you, and you both uttered a good morning at eachother. 

A loud ' WAKE UP YOU LAZYBONES ' made you jolt. which made Blue chuckle, Edge came up behind you and pulled out a chair for you, you looked up at him in shock. Which he blushed a bit at.

" W-WELL, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR IMBECILE.. " He scoffed, you smiled and said thank you.

Blue came up and placed the pancakes in the middle, and they smelt DELICIOUS. You saw everyone walk in and sit down at their designated spots. Waiting for everyone to get their own pancakes, you then got yours. Absolutely DROWNING it in maple syrup. And then digging in with a content look on your face.

Looking up at the others eating, you saw they were content as well. You were proud of yourself, being able to get their trust, and making really good friends. You were kind of sad you couldn't repay them. But you decided that being a good friend was the first step to that.

Its late, :,( sorry

but by one day,,,,

Life in a forest ( Au sanses x reader x au papyruses )Where stories live. Discover now