Night out PART 1

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Warnings- Violence, Profanity, and FLUFFFF

You woke up in a strange place. There were clovers littering the floor and long grass that caressed your bare feet. In front of you was a door, tilting your head you wandered up to it and knocked. After a while of waiting with no answer, you pushed it open. The loud creak of the door indicating how old it really was.

Inside you saw Clover, bending over whispering to herself.. Or rather to somebody. Peeking around her you saw Gaston. His wings being shredded with a sharp ruby she had in her claws. You could see her mouth pulled into a snarl as she glowered at the butterfly. Showing off her pointed fangs.

" C-clover? " You whispered, staring at the mutilated creature below her. Clover turned around quickly, staring at you. She opened her mouth a few times before lifting up the crystal and stabbing it into Gaston. You gasped but were quickly silenced by Clover mumbling something.

" You weren't supposed to see. "

You woke up in a cold sweat, seeing Papyrus, Blue- wait was everyone in your room? Your eyes widened, but quickly flinched under the bright light of your lamp.

" ARE YOU OKAY (Y/N)? " Papyrus asked, worriedly caressing your cheek.

" O-of course! " You mumbled, your voice wavering slightly. Which now obviously didn't seem convincing anymore, if it even was in the first place.

You heard Berry scoff under his breath, Rus standing beside him, you thought you saw a flash of worry cross his features but it was quickly gone. Sans and Stretch both staring at you worriedly but with a cocked bone-brow. Blue standing on the other side of the bed, worry on his features, and Edge and Red standing by the door, both having visibly pity and worry.

" Thats not very convincing Honey. " Stretch laughed tensly.


" I-I.... It's childish anyway.. " You mumbled, sitting up in your bed. Pulling the blanket with you.

" you can tell us anything, we won't judge. you know that sweetheart. " Red said, winking at you.

The others gave you pleading looks, which made you cave in.

" O-okay.. But can we talk about it in the living room? " You smiled up at them shyly. They nodded and you all went downstairs.

You sat down on the arm chair and faced them, and were greeted with worried glances and tense smiles.

" you know you don't have to talk about it if it's to personal, kiddo. " sans grinned at you, which you smiled back at him.

" It's okay, I think you deserve to know. After all, i'm living with you and what would be the point in hiding stuff from your room-mates! " You giggled, the others laughing with you. And you noticed some blush dusting all of their cheeks. It ranged from, oranges, blues, and reds. Which you thought was really pretty. But decided not to comment.

" Well.. It started when I got up and left the house.. I was gonna get my friend Clover some over her favorite flowers! You know her right? She was the one who gave me the crystals, which I gave to you guys? W-well! Anyway, that's besides the point! I got up and left the house, and went into the flower field, which has the best and prettiest flowers by the way! But on the way, I saw Gaston, we used to be friends but.. He said some really rude stuff to me, which made me upset. A-and... " You sniffled,

they all got up to reach you but Sans reached you first. He held your face in his hands and wiped at your forming tears.

" you don't have to continue hun, " Sans started, but you quickly cut him off.

Life in a forest ( Au sanses x reader x au papyruses )Where stories live. Discover now