Chapter Seven

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I've never really written a note to someone before. Let alone, someone I love. I'm not sure if you heard me, but I said I love you. I do. We weren't together for that long, but somewhere in the midst of it, I fell in love. I was never really sure what love was, especially at my age, but when I'm with you the world stops. When we kiss, time stops. when we're together its like everything just stops and its you and me. When I think of you I get nervous and when I think of being apart from you, my whole body starts to ache. I know you said that we come from two different worlds, and you're right, we do... But I know what's really holding you back. The fact that there are things about me you don't know. Bee, there's a part of me you DONT want to know, and if you do find out then it just wouldn't be the same. Please, call me or text me when you read this. We need to talk. We can get through this. I'm an open book, with a few pages stuck together. If you pull them part, they're ripped and unreadable. You can only read what you can make out. You dont get the whole story. Please call me. you mean so much to me, I even have a surprise for you. I have a feeling you'll like it.

I folded up the note and set it on my desk. I grabbed my phone and dialed Dylan's number, but I quickly ended the call. I paused before dialing his number again. I swallowed hard and hit send. I listened to the ringing, it seemed like forever until I heard his voice.

"Bee," I heard relief in his voice.

"Dylan," I smiled

"I'm so sorry, can I come pick you up? Let's hang out."

"Not tonight, I just wanted to let you know that I got your letter, and I'll think about it. I'll call you tomorrow. Goodnight Dylan."

"Goodnight Bee, I love you."

I hung up and set my phone on my desk, I wonder what the surprise is. I sat down and started my homework, starting with my Spanish. Hours later all of my homework was finally finished. I sighed of relief and took a quick shower. I felt the warm water wash over me, breathing in the steam I started to relax. I washed the soapy substance out of my hair, and wrapped a plushy white towel around me. I walked into my room and got dressed into the first pair of Pajama's I could find. I drifted into a fast sleep.

When I woke up the first thing I thought of was Dylan, and how much I wanted him back with me. I felt so much pain through my body at the thought of us not being together. I grabbed my phone and texted him, "Come over?" I quickly got dressed into a tank top and high waisted jean shorts. I put on my converse and heard my phone vibrate, "Be there in 10." I smiled as I put my hair into a fish tale braid just in time for Dylan to tell me he was here. I ran down the stairs and out to Dylan's car.

"You look nice," He smiled.

"Thanks, so do you." I said while buckling my seat belt.

I turned on the radio and we drove with only the sound of the radio playing. Dylan started drumming his fingers to the beat of the song on the steering wheel. I smiled to myself, he was adorable. 

"Where are we going?" I asked

He ignored me. I let out a sigh of frustration and I noticed him smile. I shook my head lightly and stayed quiet the rest of the ride. After a long time we finally pulled up to the beach where we first hung out. We walked to the same bench and sat down. 

"I told you in the note that I had a surprise for you."

He went into the bushes and pulled out a guitar and sat down next to me, lightly strumming and concentrating on the strings. 

With your peircing blue eyes, and your long dark hair

darling you look so great tonight, I just wish you would be mine.

Every night I hope and pray that some how you would wonder back by my side but,

until then I'll just sit up and cry.

Cause when I say 'I love you' girl its not just some word I throw around.

and when you say you love me too, i know its real no need to frown.

Just say it once for me, once, just soft and slow.

So I can let you know,

Baby, I love you.  

Youre the only one that can make me feel so,

La la loved inside this dark and lonely world. 

Your love should guide me through my ignorance,

whats the difference? 

Your loves what makes me see, 

and thats why I call you love.

(   )

He finished the song, and I wiped a tear from my eye. Dylan was amazing in every way possible. I gave him a kiss. I was speechless. I had no idea what to say to him, he wrote and sang a song for me. What kind of guy does that? A keeper. 

"I love you," I said softly and slowly.

Dylan smiled and kissed my forehead, "I love you too."

I was in love with Dylan Joseph Holland, and he loved me back. 

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