Chapter Five

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I walked into Holland Coffee Shop and looked for Jessica, only vaugley remembering her face. I noticed someone in a hoodie sitting in the corner, sipping on a cup. I walked over and tapped them on the shoulder. 

"Jessica?" I asked as she glanced up to me. 

"You must be Believe. Go ahead, sit."

I sat down and swirrled my fingers in a small circle on the table.  

"What do you want to know?" She asked while setting her now empty cup on the table. 

"What's the back story behind you and Dylan?"

She smirked at me,"Dylan and I used to be friends," She swept her bangs out of her eyes and I noticed the scar, "but things happen and people" she paused, thinking of the word to use, "change" she said in a slow and unsure tone. 

"What do you mean, change? What changed about Dylan?"

She pointed to the wall, at a picture of a boy about two years younger than us in a baseball uniform. He had a huge smile and looked like he was having a good time. 

"That's Dylan," she said in a soft voice. 

If you had seen Dylan now, you never would have guessed that picture was him. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"That," She smirked at me, "is not my story to tell."

I was about to push the subject, and prompt her to tell me when the bell above the door rang. I saw Dylan walk in. Her eyes widdened and she stood up quickly, then sat back down. 

"He can't know I'm here with you." She whispered, obviously scared. 

She got up and walked to the bathroom, escaping without being noticed. I, on the other hand, got noticed very quickly. Dylan put his apron on as he walked over to me.  

"What are you doing here?" He asked, very curious. 

"Came to get some coffee," I lied. 

"where's your coffee?"

I pointed towards the empty coffee cup sitting on the table, "Right there, but it's empty so I should probably get going."

Dylan gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I walked out.  

I looked around but didn't see Jessica. I was walking back towards the bus station when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jess. 

the devil grows inside the hearts of the selifish and wicked.

I was confused, who was the devil she was talking about? 

What do you mean?

I watched my phone, waiting for a responce. Five minutes later, I hadn't recieved one. I put it back in my pocket and stepped onto the bus. Watching out the window on the way home. 

While I was walking from the last bus stop to my house, my phone started to vibrate. I opened it up to see Jessica had finally responded. 

When the Devil asks to dance with you, you'd better say never. A dance with the devil might last you forever. 

I decided to call her, I waited a few rings and she finally picked up. 


"Can you explain your texts?"

"No, only you can make the meaning out of it. Think about it."

With that, she hung up. I walked inside and sat down at my desk, writing down her texts. 

She didn't tell me much at the coffee shop, but I wanted to know more. What else was there to tell me? Did the scar have something to do with Dylan? Why did he change? 

I got out my phone and texted Dylan 

So there's no chance of us hanging out today...? /:

I continued to think of all the possibilities, writing down everything that came to mind. I grabbed my phone when I heard it ring. 

Actually, yes. be there in twenty.

I smiled to myself, maybe he'll tell me something I want to hear. 

Walking out to the car I sat down in the passenger seat. I turned on the radio when we got onto the highway, we rolled down the windows and sang as loud as we could. Laughing and acting like complete idiots. Dylan pulled into the parking lot of a playground. He threw the car into park, opened his door and walked around the car to open mine. 

"Such a gentleman," I laughed as I got out. 

He laughed and held my hand as we walked to the playground. 


It was starting to get dark so Dylan and I were walking to his car when I stopped him and took him over to the picnik table. I was going to ask him about Jessica and why he changed. He sat down and I sat across from him. Dylan stared at me and I took a deep breath, letting it out slowely. 

"will you be completly honest with me?"

"Of course!"

"Tell me why you changed. I saw the picture in the coffee shop, and I see you now. what happened?"

He smiled and breathed out a laugh, "Nothing, I just became friends with the wrong people. It just became sort of a habit to dress and act like this."

His tone of voice made me believe there was more to the story. 

"What about Jessica. What happened between the two of you?"

His eyes changed from ammused, to angry. "I told you to leave it be," he snapped. 

"Why can't I know?" I snapped back. 

"It's none of your business."

"Dylan, please."  watched his eyes start to soften. 

"Bee, she isn't importaint. We used to be friends and fought over something stupid." 

"What did you fight over?"

"To be honest, I don't remember."

Again, I could tell he was lying. There was more to the story, and I was going to figure out what it was. Soon.

"Would you like to go to the school dance with me?" Dylan asked, changing the subject. 

'If the Devil asks you to dance, you'd better say never. A dance with the devil could last you forever.' Jessica's text echo'd through my mind. 

"Dance's aren't really my thing," I said turning my attention towards the table. 

Dylan was the devil Jessica was talking about.

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