Chapter One

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I plopped down backwards onto my bed, feeling defeated by my parents once again. You'd think that since I'm a Junior in highschool I should be allowed to go to parties, and hang out with friends on a Friday night. Not in my house, my parents are super strict religious freaks. I can't even have caffinated soda. I go to school, then come straight home and do my homework and spend hours reading Tolstory and other great american novilists. I'm not allowed to even have a computer. God, my parent's are so...anal! I heard my phone vibate. Pretty much the only technology my parents let me have.

Hey girl, think you can sneek past the parental units? Me and the girls are going to hang out with some hot ass guys tonight. You comin' or what? It was from my best friend Echo.

Echo wasn't the best kid in the world, she snuck out everynight. She liked to go to the parties and drink, she enjoyed smoking and hanging out with the "bad" crowd. She was really good at school though, straight A's, never seen the principal's office. At school she's the perfect kid, but as soon as the sun goes down...She's nuts.

I paused, my usual response was No. I can't. Tonight I felt diferent, like I wanted to be bad and try something bad. I'm there. Give me a minute. I responded. I went into my closet, only seeing the clothes a grandmother would wear, when suddently I remembered my secret outfit. I was never allowed to go to the mall, but one day I did. Just out of spite, I went and I bought an outfit my mother would never approve of. It was a white crop top and a pair of black skinnie jeans. I had a very nice body, so I looked pretty good. I walked into the bathroom and took out the eyeliner that Echo bought me. I put it on and grabbed my phone. I slowely crept out of the house and made my way down the street. Catching sight of Echo, I jogged over to her.

"Didn't think you were coming Eve!"

Echo started calling me Eve when we first met, as her attempt to give me a hardass sounding name. Seeming as though my parents named me Believe. I hated my name, yet liked it. Believe made me sound like I was a god sent angel and in a way I was... Yet the name was elegant and pretty. I liked Eve though, makes me sound normal...

"Whatever," I said, "Where are we going?"

"We're meeting the other's down town," she said and started walking.

We were halfway down town when I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Turn back now, Believe.  You can do it. Turn around and go home. This isn't your crowd. Something bad is going to happen! Echo saw me, and knew what was happening. "you know," She said with a smirk, "it's not too late to turn back."

I wanted to show her that I could do it, I could be normal for once. "Nah, I'm cool."

We continued on our way, when finally we were walking towards a brick wall where a ton of others were. I noticed them from school, but never knew their names. Echo knew this, so she took a minute to introduce me.

"Eve, this is Gabbi, Erik, Tony, Austin, Carter, Alli, and Kristen." She said pointing to everyone as she named them, "This is Eve."

They made a few noises and then lite their ciggarets. I was standing there in silence when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind. Gabbi stared at me with pure hatered. Who ever had their hands on my waist moved my hair and started kissing my neck. I turned around and backed up.

"Whoah, what's wrong with the new girl?" The boy asked.

"She doesn't know who you are, dumbass." Echo says and punches his arm.

"That's Dylan," She said while turning towards me, "Dylan Joseph Holland."

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked with a smirk.

"Believe," I said quietly.

"Excuse me? I didnt hear you." He walked towards me and put his face close to mine. I could feel his breathe on my cheek.

"My name is Believe."

"Dyl, I'm bored. Let's go hook up in your car or something," Gabbi said hopping off the brick wall.

He took her hand and led her into the darkness. I just met Dylan Joseph Holland. The bad boy of the school... The one with the awful reputation, and the scary look in his eye. Word is, he is not someone you want to mess with. I had never seen him before, I had only ever head of him. Now I had seen him in the flesh, and I knew it. Tonight something awful was going to happen.

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