Chapter 6 Christmas Break

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Hey guys! Author back once again.

Been working on this a lot recently because it's fun. Hope you guys are enjoying it.

Looking so far that we will beat Viktor to asking Hermione to the Yule ball. But we do still have a while before that. Like, quite a while. So things might change once other people start reading.

So, recap.

We went to the Quidditch game and helped Hermione with stopping Snape. Then we went to the library and started looking for books on Nicholas Flamel. Then we carried Hermione back to the common room and fell asleep.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it.


Your POV...

I lean my head on my arm as I watch Harry make is next move. I'm currently in the Great Hall watching Harry and Ron face each other in a game of wizards chess. Right now it's pretty even, but I have a feeling Ron will win in the end. I look up and see Hermione coming over to us from the entrance with her trunk in tow.

"Hey Hermione." I say as I wave.

"Hey Y/n." She says with a smile as she watches Ron's next move.

"Queen to E5." He says.

The chess piece moves on it's own and then the queen stands from it's chair and takes out Harry's knight with it.

"That's totally barbaric." Hermione says.

"That's wizard's chess." Ron says. "I see you've packed."

"I see you haven't." She retorts.

"Change of plans, my parents are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good. Then you can help Harry and Y/n. They are going to look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times." Ron complains.

Hermione leans closer and says, "Not in the restricted section." She gets up and says. "Happy Christmas."

And with that she walks away. I look at the other two.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron says.

"That's it." I say in a low voice. "I never thought to look in the restricted section."

"Why not?" Harry asks. "You two are there practically all day."

"Most days." I say. "But you can't just get into the restricted section."

"That's true." Harry agrees. "Now we have to figure out how we are going to get in there."

"That is a different monster all together." I lean back on my hand.

"No kidding." Ron says, making his next move.

We spend the rest of that day playing each other in wizard's chess. I end up winning one match against both guys and we go to bed that night with plans to start our planning tomorrow. A few weeks go by and we haven't gotten anywhere. But on a positive note, today is Christmas. I made sure to get a present for my friends. I had to send Hermione her's, but I'm sure she'll love it. I wake up and stretch a little. I look over at Ron, who is also awake.

"Happy Christmas Ron." I smile.

"Happy Christmas Y/n." He says. "Want to head down and see what we've got?"

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