Chapter 28 A Feud Between Friends

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Hey guys! Author here!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story as always.

So, recap.

Last time we got to spend some quality alone time with Hermione before watching some people put their names in the goblet. Got to see the Kid interacting with Alice and actually got to meet Alice. Got to see Hermione being a little protective and then saw the champions get selected. Harry got selected and we saw Lt for the first time this year. Then saw him walk away, very much wounded.

So, without further adieu, let's get to it!


Your POV...

Later that night, I am relaxing with the guys before I head down to get somethings off my head and on paper. Harry gets into his bed and sighs. He told us how he has no choice now; he is a part of the tournament. I sit on my bed thinking it over for a while when I catch Ron move into my line of sight. He goes over to his bed starts to get in it.

"How did you do it?" Ron says.

We all look over to Ron. Was it just me, or did Ron sound jealous

"Never mind. Doesn't matter. Might have let your best friend know, ya know." He says.

"What?" Harry asks.

"You bloody well know what." Ron replies.

"I didn't ask for this to happen Ron." Harry argues. "Okay? You're being stupid."

"Okay, woah." I get up and look at both of my friends.

"Yeah, don't want to be Harry Potter's stupid friend." Ron says.

"Guys." I try to interrupt them again.

"I didn't put my name in that cup." Harry gets up and stands next to Ron's bed. "I don't want eternal glory. I just want to be.. Look, I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why. It just did. Okay?"

Ron turns away from Harry and doesn't take that as an explanation.

"Piss off." I hear him say.

"Okay, guys!" I force my friends to listen. "Why is this such a big thing? I highly doubt Harry put his name in the goblet."

"So your taking his side?" Ron says.

"Side?" I look at him. "What side? There is no side. We're all friends here."

Ron closes his eyes and just looks like he isn't listening. I look to Neville and Seamus, who we also room with. They shrug and I'm at a loss for what to do.

"Okay. I'm headed down to write." I say as I grab my book. "I'll see you all in the morning."

I say my goodnight to the others and head down to my writing spot. I cross my legs and take a quick second to breath.

What has gotten into them? Ron is acting like Harry wanted this and planned it, even though he has truthfully said he didn't. I can't think of a moment Harry has lied to us about something this serious. Why would he start now?

I shake my head and get to work on writing. I've got to clear my head so I can sleep. This is going to take some good rest and a clear head to solve.

Needless to say, that's not how it goes. The next few weeks are spent sleepless and full of Harry and Ron not even being able to be in the same room. The tension in the air is so thick that if I tried to cut it with a knife, I'd break the knife. It's been hard to sleep will all the tension, so I end up not really sleeping at all. It's also starting to effect my heath, though I try to hide it as much as I can.

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