Part 23 - SHIELD Base

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Bucky P.o.V.

I sat beside Crystal's bed. She was beautiful when she was sleeping. Bruce did some tests. All results he received were positive which means they can awake any moment. But they didn't. The whole pack is going through a rough time. I decided to speak with Fury about who could potentially betray pack. I kissed Crystal on the forehead and left.

I slowly was going through corridors in the tower to get to my room get changed and do what I have planned. On the way I met Tony. His eyes were red. He seemed to be tired and worried I stopped and looked at him. I just had to tell him that everything will be okay soon. Something made me do that. 

- They are going to be fine Tony.

- I know but still I have sleep problems. I want her back.

- I know I want Crystal to be back as well but I don't want to put her at risk because I will be rushing. You have to be patient Tony.

- Thanks Buck I needed someone to tell me that.

- You're welcome. Come with me it will help you to stop thinking about her.

- Where we're heading to?


- If you need Fury we can call him in.

- I would never do that especially when girls are unconscious.

- Right. So get changed and we will meet at the roof. We will go there by helicopter.

- Sure. See you there.

I went to my room and dressed as normal. By the doors I remind myself about gloves that I am wearing to hide my metal arm.  I was glad that someone is coming with me. At least I am not alone. Not this time. Someone is supporting my decision because Stark is in similar or even the same emotional state as I am. I hoped Steve is going to find someone who will love him from all of his heart. Just like I love Cristal and she loves me.

1 hour later...

We landed near SHIELD. I was looking around. It was my habit from HYDRA. No matter how hard I've tried I could never stop scanning the environment looking for some threats. When we entered Fury's room I told him what we suspect. He said he suspected the same. He even started to search for that person.

I was satisfied when I heard that he is looking for this person. If I find him or her and then kill that person even if I promised myself that I will not longer kill and torture people like I used to do back in Hydra.

When we were on the way home I asked Tony one specific question I was curious about.

- If she wakes up what will you do?

- What? - He was surprised that I started to speak to him.

- I said if she wakes up what will do do next?

- I will ask her to marry me. Then if she says yes I will start preparing for wedding.

- What if she says 'no'.

- I don't consider this option.

I started to laugh. He really made me laugh. I wondered what Crystal will say. I know she is imprinted with me. But she may not be ready for wedding. We will see after she wakes up. I feel that evertything is getting better now. We are on the last curve of the life. 

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