Log 12:Satyrs

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Summary: Satyrs (Pronounced "Sat-ter", like satire) are mythical creatures from Greek mythology, and widely known as perverted, mischievous,and rambunctious nature spirits. Another name for Satyrs is Silenos, and they are usually shown as male spirits. Though there are rare depictions of female Satyrs.

Behavior: Satyrs are, as said above, perverted and mischievous. The males are constantly going after women, human or otherwise, and will try to have their way with them. Their top half looks throughly human, while their bottom half is composed of goat's legs, matted with thick and coarse brown or black fur. They even have horns on their head,and tiny tails. They are depicted to be followers and partners of Dionysus,the God of Wine, and it shows. They drink often and have wild parties when not chasing after any pretty ladies. They are very moody, and don't really know the whole concept of boundaries, (like some humans and other mythic creatures in general) and don't usually take no for an answer. Take caution when around them, no matter if you are a woman or not.

Legends: The most famous Satyr is the nature god Pan, the son of Hermes-the God of Trickery, Thieves, Liars, Messengers, and the like. His mother is usually a nameless nymph. Pan was just as moody as the other Satyrs. Whenever he was sad, he would retreat to a cool cave and quietly keep to himself. If anyone passed by or tried to walk inside, he would let out a gut-wrenching scream that made anyone who heard it run away in terror. That feeling they would get after hearing his scream was dubbed "Panic". Pan once fell in love with a beautiful nymph named Syrinx, but she gazed upon his coarse fur and ugly face in disgust. She rejected him. Or screamed and ran away as he chased her. Same thing basically. She ran to a river bank, transforming herself into a reed among the dozens of others. Pan searched in vain, but he had no idea where the lovely Syrinx could be. He cried out, "Beautiful Syrinx, let me be by your side! Let your lilting voice sing as I play for you!" He got only the whispers of the wind whistling through the reeds as an answer. With a bitter smile, he gathered up some of the reeds and formed them into a flute. "If you will not come to me, I shall take these reeds. Maybe then we shall sing together forever."

Known Weaknesses: For the males: woman and wine.
For the females: Wine, and a nice back rub to forget about the men they live with. Probably.

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