ch.16 Avneil tashan

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Avni comes there and sees Mitali is hugging Neil.Avni gets angry but control herself.

Hy..Miss mitali said Avni and come close to them.

Mitali breaks her hug.

May i know what are you doing in my office ask Avni.

Your office..It is my boyfriend office said Mitali.

Did you just say boyfriend.. As far i know he had dump you just like a tissue paper said Avni in attitude.

How dare you said Mitali in anger and about to raise her hand on Avni but Avni hold her hand and put it down.

relax..Why are you getting so hyper.. I had just said the truth but i must say you have so much courage that despite of so much insult..You still back to him..I don't think you have a self respect said Avni.

Neil.. Look how is she talking to me complain mitali to Neil.Neil goes to Avni.

You can't talk to her like this..She is my...
Neil stopped in mid.

She is what..You can't even say that she is your girlfriend said Avni sarcastically.

Neil give her a look.

And you this is not a mall where you can come whenever you want said Avni to Mitali..

This is also Neil office said Mitali.

Really but i guess you haven't read the news that i have overtake this business.
I have 51% partnership in this bussiness so technically i own this office more than him and i don't want any disturbance so Out from this office Now..Otherwise i have to call security said Avni.

Mitali leaves from there in anger.

Avni is about to go from there but Neil stop her from her shoulder and turn her toward him.

Don't be so over-confident..I wouldn't let you win over me so easily said Neil.

We will see said Avni and leave from there.

Neil manager comes to Neil.

Sir,Mr.Gupta is coming over here at 6pm for the foreign deal said the manager.

ok..You can go said Neil and the manager goes.

Now i will tell you that who i am..By making them reject this deal..If they reject this deal..Automatically Avni position will decrease in employees eyes and I will make them believe that Avni is not good for this company thinks Neil and smirk.

Neil calls his manager.

Akshay Have you call told Ananya about the time of the presentation ask Neil.

Not yet Sir.. I was about to call her said Akshay

great.. Tell her that presentation is at 7pm said Neil.

But Sir.. Said Akshay

Do as i say said Neil.

Ok sir.. Said Akshay

At 6pm.

The foreign clients come to office.

Welcome Sir.. Said the Neil manager and takes them to meeting room and make them sit.

After a while.. Neil comes there.

Hi..Mr.Brown..I am the co-owner of the this company said Neil.

Hello mr.Khanna..I have heard a lot about you..By the way..Where is Ms Verma ..Actually i have two more important meeting to finish said mr.Brown.

She is coming in a while said Neil.

Avneil ff Revenge or lust (completed)Where stories live. Discover now