Chapter 11 I love, you.

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After I told Justin, he came back home with me and we just talked...about our future. The whole night we just sat in my room, talking... talking about the wedding, what we will do on our honeymoon, what our house is going to look like, how we will spend the rest of our lives together! We talked about everything the entire night-everything you could imagine we talked about it, the one thing we didn't talk about...was my now nonexistent cancer. We talked so much we passed out...literally. We fell asleep in my room-and the reason I know that is because Colbey was about to throw cold water on us before we woke up on our own!

"Colbey we just fell asleep." I say laughing.

"Fell asleep doing what-"

"Colbey!" I interrupt.

He narrows his eyes at me.

It was, now, the day before my wedding and I finally feel like I can breathe again-well, not literally because I can't. Now I need to tell Emilee that I'm going to be ok.

"Emilee I need to talk to you ASAP, can you come over?"

"Jess what's wrong?" Emilee's voice is panicked.

"Just come over!" I say and hang up.

"She's going to kill you." Justin says raising his eyebrows at me.

"Your right, and she actually can now." I joke along.

Justin laughs and comes over to me. It's impossible to stop a smile from spreading across my face.

"Do you know how much I love you?" He says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

I look up into his eyes and I am unable to catch my breath.

Justin kisses the top of my head and pulls me closer to him.

"How much?" I say when I finally catch my breath.

"Unconditionally." He says.

I lean in closer to him and whisper, "Did you steel my Katy Perry CD again?"

Justin laughs and so do I.

"Very funny." He laughs.

Suddenly my bedroom door bursts open and in comes Emilee. Her face is concerned and her eyes are wide. Emilee stands there waiting for an explanation as to why I called her like I did and then hung up.

"What's wrong??" She urges.

"Nothing." I say pulling apart from Justin and walking to Emilee.

"Sorry?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

"I'm in remission."

I wait for her to cry with joy, throw her arms around me in a hug, smile, scream, anything, but all she does it stand there, frozen.

"Did-did you hear me?" I ask.

"You can't scar me like that!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to." I laugh.

"Ok, you, go." She says pointing to Justin and then pointing to the door.

"What!?" I question.

"Consider this your last minuet bridal shower." She says.

"But-but-I-he!" I stutter.

"But nothing! You will see him tomorrow at the alter!" Emilee says.

"Baby, we have the rest of our lives together." Justin says.

"Ok." I sigh.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my bride to be." He says kissing me and then leaving.

Once Justin leaves, Emilee orders us a pizza and we talk about the wedding. Emilee insists on wearing her hair down and straightened, like she usually does, but I want her to curl her hair, since her hair looks beautiful when it's curled; although she doesn't think it does. Knowing how hard headed she is and I didn't particularly feel like getting into a debate with her until our pizza got here, I pulled the Bridal card.

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