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Pov: Alec

The rest of dinner passed in idle conversation, though I didn't say much. After Warp's outburst, I was starting to realise just how dangerous the Council was. One wrong word and your life was on the line. And these people were immortal. They could hold a grudge for a long time.

After dinner, as Magnus and I stood to leave, Asmodeus stepped in front of us. "Where do you think you're going? " He said, which was probably the most clichéd line in the history of threatening lines. "I want to talk to you two." The Council moved past us, Tessa and Jem quickly throwing worried glances over their shoulders at us. Eventually, everyone had left the room, all apart from the servants, who scurried around us, cleaning away plates. "What do you want, Father. " Magnus asked, his voice devoid of emotion.
"I want to know why. Why have you turned out like this when I raised you so well. " Magnus' hand tightened around mine. I hadn't even noticed it was there. One of the servants discreetly placed a large bin behind Asmodeus. Only now did I realise the servants were werewolves. I was really out of it today.

The servant, who had curly brown hair, winked at Magnus before retreating a safe distance with a lid.
"May I point out that until the Demonic War, you were absent in my life. That's probably why I didn't turn out to be a piece of garbage." Magnus' magic leapt out, forcing Asmodeus backwards and into the bin. The female servant rushed forward and slammed the lid onto the bin before dragging it away.

Asmodeus' angry yelling could be headed from within the container.
"Get out of there, Maia! " Magnus called to the werewolf as he dragged me out of the dining hall and into the corridors of the tower.

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