The Kiss

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Charlie's POV

Okay this is going well, I'm standing in the corner on my phone.

Holy shit Luke is here. Damn it. Please dont see me, please dont see me, please dont see me. Thank god, close call ok just go and get a drink and maybe move to a new spot.

Okay so I have moved into the living room, and I'm still sitting on tumblr.

Come on girl, get up go dance do something.

Of course I stayed there.

Luke's POV

Okay so Charlie is standing over in the corner.

She seen me but I pretended not to see her. She left the room.

I was now almost finished my first and only beer of the night.

I really wish she said yes or even just said to be friends or whatever but no I am officially nothing to her not that I ever was anything.

This is weird Luke stop it either go talk to her or don't.

I was going to look about for a bit but I was too nervous.

It was getting late there was now only 9 of us left.

Then all of a sudden Olivia came bursting through into the room, "LETS PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!!!"

You know what? This could be fun let's do it.

We set up the circle I was sitting beside Jai and a cute brunette. Olivia started the game and the bottle landed on Jai. She crawled over seductivly and went for it i could tell that they both enjoyed it as he smiled once she pulled away. Okay a few turns later and it was my go. I spun the bottle and then it eventually stopped i followed the bottle to see who it was, i looked up oh god.............. It was Charlie. I walked round the outside of the circle and sat beside her, she spun round to face me and wow she grabbed me and started kissing me. Of course i was in shock but obviously i kissed her back, after a minute or so i ran my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance.

Charlies POV

Oh my god i was kissing him. i was kissing Luke. I felt him run his tongue along my botttom lip, i parted my mouth slightly and yep there it was his tongue darted into my mouth. I felt him running his fingers through my hair, I put my arms around his neck, i could feel him smiling at this move. I pulled away, i heard him groan impatiently and he moved in again for a kiss. Then he pulled away and opened his eyes and we exchanged smiles. I giggled a bit as i forgot i had red lipstick on which had smeared around his mouth and on his lip ring. I handed him my little pocket mirror for him to see and at that he laughed a little and said, "Totally worth it." I agreed. We just sat there exchanging smiles until Luke spoke up and said, "Can i have your number?" I was a little taken back but overall pleased we swaped phones I typed my number and handed it back and said rather awkwardly, "I should probably go home, its getting late," "Yeah em do you want me to walk you home?"

Lukes POV

"Yeah em do you want me to walk you home?" "Um sure," well done luke you just made it awkward. "Yeah that would be nice and by the way you missed a bit of the lipstick right there," she wiped it off for me and we headed towards the door. I decided to speak up,"Your a really good kisser." "Thanks your not to bad your self cutie." "Cutie?" "Sorry, i wont call you that," "No its fine i dont mind," "Oh ok cutie. Well this is me."  "No way, i live to doors down." She leaned in and pressed her soft red lips against mine i kissed back slowly running my hands through her hair and then letting them drop to her waist. Her arms round my neck, i felt her slowly pressing her tongue through the little gap in my lips. This kiss was alot more passionate than the last. I heard a wolf whiste from behind i pulled away from the kiss to see who it was and of course i already knew it was Jai standing there smirking, i turned back to Charlie kissed her lips and said goodnight and then walked over to Jai. "Goodnight cutie." I felt a huge grin appear on my face.


"Goodnight cutie," as a huge grin appeared on Lukes face from that comment. "That looked as though it went well." "Shut up, Jai but yeah it did." "I thought you said she said no to your date proposal. I mean because that looked like a pretty intense kiss during spin the bottle." "Jai for fuck sakes, she did say no but i have a feeling that answer may be changing within the next couple days." "You dont say." i say in a sarcastic tone as we walked up into our bedroom. "Night Lukey." "Night."

Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now