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Charlie's POV

Mia was upstairs sleeping in my bed and me and Luke were downstairs sleeping on the couch. I swear every five minutes Lukes Phone goes off and its always Jai phonig him. I heard Mia upstairs talking so i am assuming its Jai.

Mia's POV

My phone started ringing like mad, i had 73 missed calls from Jai. Eventually i gave in and picked,


Hi Mia i really need for you to hear me out please even if it is just on the phone please.

Fine explain you have 5 minutes.

Look the only reason i was making out with that girl and dancing with her is because i thought it was you. I didn't notice the blonde hair. I swear I would never do that to you.

Well Jai you say you would never but you did.

I didn't do it on purpose i swear it was just a case of mistaken identity.

Meet me at the park round the corner in 20 minutes.

Okay. Bye love you.


I heard a faint knock on the door, "Mia can i come in," it was Charlie. "Can i borrow some clothes so i can walk home." "Yh knock yourself out. I heard you talking, was it Jai," "Yes," "And," "And i dont know what happens from here. Does this look ok?" I had red shorts and a plain white crop top, "Yh that looks great. Are you leaving just now?" "Yh see you later, bye." "Bye."

I walked round to the park, Jai was on the swing facing away from me. I ran over him and hugged him from behind. He stood up, put his arms around my waist, mine were around his neck and then he kissed me, his tongue swiftly moved in my mouth exploring and then he pulled away, "Am i forgiven?" "Yes but only this one time, your blonde bitch card has been played if i find out you have kissed anyone or fucked anyone else you my friend will be losing a that particular part of your body for good," "Fair enough, i promise it wont ever happen again ever," i nodded and then sat on the swing.

Luke's POV

"Luke sweetie wake up," i heard Charlie say in a very sweet voice, I grabbed her and pulled her in top of me, i kissed her. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip for permisson and her mouth parted slightly, i sat up and let her legs wrap around my waist and then one thing let to another.

A/N sorry it a little short. i am writing two other fan fiction one is Jai and the other is Beau please read and i will try and write longer chapters

Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now