Zoning out

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Lukes POV

"Luke earth to Luke are you ok?"

"What yh i'm fine sorry, do you want to go the park?"

"Yh ok lets go," she said packing away  the towels. There is a reason i am doing this and quite frankly this is terrifying.

"Luke are you coming?" she said grabbing my hand. "Luke are you ok, you have been acting a little strange today."

I stopped and said turning to face her, "I am fine, trust me,"


Charlies POV

Something going on he is acting really weird today. He's planning something. Once we got to the park. "Can i show you something," he said pulling me over to behind the tree, postioning me, "This is where i asked you out the first time and you said no and," taking me over to the swings and continued, "This is where i first realised i loved you," wait did he just say he loved me, "I love you too," i put my lips against his and his tongue instantly shot into my mouth which made me laugh, "Whats funny?" he said rather confused at why i was laughing, "Its just funny how you dont even ask anymore your tongue just darts in," "Oh yh ok thats funny," he said laughing also.

Lukes POV

After a while of just talking we decided to walk back to my house seeing as we usually we hang outat her place.

Once we got back it was 11.30pm, we went into the living room to see if Jai and Mia were in but we just seen Jai and Beau playing fifa, "HA WHAT THE FUCK I PRESSED FUCKING X," Beau came back to that with, "Sure you did bro and fyi Charlie and Luke are right behind you," Jai turned round and said, "Shit, didnt see you guys there," turning red. I turned to Charlie, "Maybe we should leave these to assholes alone and go sit in thhe garden," "Yh sure lets go, text you guys later," she said leaving the room, but before i could follow Beau grabbed my shirt, "Did you tell her?" "What!How the fuck do you know about that?" "Hate to tell you mate but you talk in your sleep," "And i did by the way," he let go of my shirt and went out to the garden.

Charlies POV

I went out to the garden forgetting that it was dark out, but i decided to make the most of it and lay down on the grass. A few minutes later i was joined by Luke who kept asking me which constalation was what as i used to study astrology.

Luke's POV

"Do you want to go to club with me and the guys on saturday?"

"Yeah, sure that sounds fun and by guys do you mean Jai, Beau, James and Daniel?"

"Well yes i do, so i will meet you at 9 on saturday and we can head to the club,"

"Yep ok that should be fine. I have to go now though seeing as it is 12.30 but i will see you tomorrow, love you,"she said getting up and dusting the grass of her.

"Ok, love you too."

Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now