He deserved it

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-Next Day-

Jai's POV

"Luke. Luke, come on dude wake up Charlies here." i knew this would automatically wake him up, i wasnt lying she actually was here, "What time is it?" he mumbled, sitting up. "12.30. Come on Charlies here go get dressed," he got up and went to the closet he picked up black skinny jeans and a red shirt with a pocket. I went down stairs into the living room, "Hey Charlie, Luke'll be down in a minute," "Ok." I left to go and make lunch.

Lukes POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. Charlies here. I havent showered. Fuck.i brushed my teeth and went down stairs, i saw Charlie in the living room and went and sat beside her, "Hey babe," she turned round to face me, "Hey cutie," everytime she called me cutie. She then said, "You look very cute when you blush, dont think i havent noticed everytime i call you cutie you blush cause believe me i have," i really wish i could kiss her right now , "Thanks babe you look very hot with red lipstick on," she pressed her lips against mine, damn it why did she have to be such a good kisser i did the tongue to lip, she opened her mouth slightly, i slide my tongue in and this kiss escalated alot quicker than usual, she was running her fingers through my bed head and then of course it was rudely interupted by Beau walking in. He then said after Charlie left to go to the bathroom, "Dude you have lipstick round your mouth," "Thanks," i say quickly wiping it off. "Anytime but next time you guys want privacy maybe take it to your room," "Jesus christ Beau we havent even been on a date yet." Beau looked genuinly shocked at this, "What do you mean you two have never been on date? All the passionate making out and you havent even been on a single fucking date," "Yh," "How does she keep kissing you then?" "Because we got together because of spin the fucking bottle," "Oh, i still dont get i need the full story," "Fine, earlier on the friday i asked her on a date she said no, later at the party she was there and then nine of us played spin the bottle, when it was my turn the bottle landed on Charlie so i went and sat beside her and she spun round and kissed me. Make sense now?" "No because youre going on a date with a slut." I heard a sniff at the door, "Dont you dare all her a slut, she is the most crazily perfect girl i have ever met and now you've made her cry?" I opened the door to see Charlie sitting on the steps with her head in her hands.

Charlies POV

"No because youre going on a date with a slut." I heard Beau saying, i just burst into tears. Was that really what i was coming off as, i sat on the stairs with my head in my hands, i felt someone comforting me, i looked up to see it was Luke, "I'm so so sorry he had no right to say that. Babe look at me," i looked up, he wiped my eyes, "Your are not a slut. You are the funniest, prettiest, craziest out going girl i have ever met and he doesnt understand that. He doesnt understand how pretty or funny you are," i smiled and wiped my tears took a deep breath and said, "I'll be right back," i walked into the living room grabbed Beau by his shirt not saying anything, once i was outside the living room i pushed Beau against the wall, "Listen to me right now. Why did you call me a slut? What makes me a slut? You have met me twice. TWICE. So tell me fucking right now what gives you the right to make a snap judgement like that." he jusy stood there and then said, "I called you a slut because you basically threw yourself at Luke, and that you havent been on a date yet but you cant keep your hands off eachother and i dont have a right to make a snap judgement about you but thats what i thought so i said it." I let go of his shirt and punched him. His lip started bleeding, oh shit i went to get ice and a dish towel i handed it to him, he mumbled thanks and then went up stairs. Luke was just sitting there, staring at me and eventually he said, "You just get even more perfect," "Thanks cutie but i think im gonna go before i burst anyone elses lip because i think i've caused enough trouble," he then said, "Oh, ok do you want me to come with you?" "No its fine. I'll see you tonight though." he kissed my cheek and said see you tonight.

Jai's POV

I heard alot of shouting and then Charlie came in grabbing ice and a towel. Then i heard the front door open and then close again. "LUKE!!!!!!!" i shouted, he walked in with a huge grin on his face, "What is it Jai?", "What was all the shouting about?", "Well, Beau called Charlie a slut and she was really upset at first and then she dragged him into the hallway and questioned him and at that she punched him," i just stared at Luke, "What she punched him? Thats brilliant he needed a good punch," "I know right. I swear this girl just keeps getting more and more perfect," "Luke you need to ask her to be your girlfriend. I know how much you like her and you think its too fast but ask her," "What is wrong with you i cant ask her that and anyway im pretty sure Beau just ruined my chances anyway," "Luke you dumbass just ask her you will anyway and you know damn well you will because i know your too scared to admit it but you love her. You have had a crush on her since you were twelve now come on man up and fucking ask the poor girl." "Fine but if she says no what am i gonna do hope shes at another party and the bottle lands on her." "Shes not gonna say no and you know it." I just stared at him as hes still smiling. I could tell he was thinking about how to ask her. "Luke dont overthink this. Okay?" "Okay."

-A few hours later-

Charlies POV 

Its now 4.30. i go shower and dry my hair. I choose a black skinny jeans with a cream sleeveless blouse,  black wedges and a black shoulder bag. It is now 6.15. Time for make up, i keep it natural concealer on a few spots and under my eyes, i apply some mascara and some tinted lip balm and i curl my hair. It is now 6.45. i add some finishing touches.

Lukes POV

What should i wear. I pick up black jeans, a white shirt and white trainers. I mess about  with my hair to make it look more date appropriate. Ok its 6.55. I walk along to Charlies house and knock on her door she opens it, i just stare at her, she looks stunning, she says, "What is it to casual?" "No its perfect," I say giving her my arm. I am so glad Beau let me borrow his car, "Are you ready babe?" "Yeah," "Ok lets go then."

Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now