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Charlies POV

I checked the time 7.30 far too early. I got up and shoved on my uniform puting my hair into a fishtail braid. My phone buzzed:

Lukey<3: Hey babe do you want a lift to school x        

Charlie:)- Hey cutie yes please that would help me out alot xxx <3

Lukey<3: No problem thats what im here for x :D

Charlie:)- Okay dokey see you in 10 xxxxx <3

Lukey<3: See ya xxxxxx

It only took me 20 minutes to get ready. I decided just to leave make up as i knew a. It would make Luke happy and b. i couldnt be bothered. I heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed my school bag, phone and house keys. I opened the door to see Luke standing, i kissed his cheek and followed him into the car. I looked at the rear view mirror to see is Beau's cut was any better and it was the swelling and scarring had went down a great deal, "Hey Beau sorry i punched you. Hows the lip?" he replied, "Dont worry about it i was being a complete arsehole and yh its better no as sore anymore,"I could see Jai sniggering in the passenger seat, "Whats so fucking funny, Jai?" "Nothing just the fact Beau got beat up by a girl," and at that moment we all burst into barrels of laughter.

Lukes POV

~Lunch Break~

 We were over at the tree where Jai and I usually hang out but when we got there Jai and Mia were already there clearly discussing some sort of date because they fell sient when got to them. Mia dragged Charlie away to talk to her about boys i assume, "So what was that about?" "Eh nothing, just  talking to a good friend," "Lay off it Jai, you asked her out yesterday," "How the fuck do you know that?" "Oh come on, how do you think. I stole your phone when you were sleeping," "You prick, so what are you and Charlie doing after school," "We are going to go see a movie, want to come along and you could bring Mia," "Yh ok," the bell rang, i walked with charlie to maths as we had basically every class together, as the stupid teacher had a seating plan we were on oposite sides of the room so we just texted eachother throughout the lesson. The period finally ended and we went straight to the cinema.


A/N Sorry this isnt exactly a great fanfiction but i am enjoying writing it 


Finally (Luke Brooks Fan fiction) *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now