The Beach

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-Next Day-

Charlies POV

I woke up and checked the time on my phone its 11.30 thank god its Saturday.  I got up took a shower showed on some red high waisted denim shorts and a white crop top with black sleeved. i let my hair air dry into natural waves, i checked my phone i got a message:

Luke: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach today with me and a few of the guys

Charlie: Yeah sure i would love too. What time? x <3

Luke: Is 1:30 okay? x

Charlie: Yeah will i meet you at your house cutie x

Luke: Yeah. C u soon babe x

Literal goose bumps. He callled me babe. I got changed into a red polka dot bikini and then put my shorts and top back on along with a pair of black toms. What time is it? 1:24. Shit i grab a medium sized white beach bag i put in 2 large towels, sun block, my sunnies and a book.11:29. I run out the door moms at work lefta note on the table to say where i was. I knocked on the door to Lukes house.

Lukes POV

Ok is this a date, it cant be a date there is 4 other people going dumbass. I heard my mum shouting, "LUKE. Charlies here." "Ok leave the door i'll get it." I run down stairs to see charlie looking hot. i kissed her cheek," Hey babe come in. We're just leaving in 5 minutes." i smiled, "Ok cutie i'll just sit through here." "Ok i'll be right down." Fuck. "Beau hurry up we need to leave like right now." "Right ok. Im up Jesus Christ. You really like this girl dont you?" I just nodded at this still thinking about how much i love it when she calls me cutie."

Charlies POV

I walked into the living room to see three boys sitting on their phones, they turned round, "Hey Charlie right, Im Jai. Lukes twin brother. Im the one who sort of interrupted your 'thing'" "Oh right your the one who wolf whistled." "yeah," A rather tall black/brown haired guy said, "Hi im James nice meet you." "Hi James nice to meet you too." "Hi im Daniel." "Hi." The very moment i sat down Beau and Luke walked in and said,"You all ready to go?" The four of us followed out to Beaus car (which was a 5 seater). Jai called Shotgun so i was sitting in between Lukes legs and james and daniel had their own seats. Although Luke didnt seem to mind all that much about the car situation.

Lukes POV

I whishpered to Charlie, "You ok? Are you comfy?" "Yh Im fine perefctly comfy." "Ok, me too," it  was a fuckng awkward car ride to the beach no thanks to Jai and Skip(Daniel) fucking dickheads kept making stupid comments about how she was sitting and she was clearly blushing which i have to say was pretty damn fucking cute. 

After about 30 minutes we arrived at the beach. "Luke quit staring at her ass." Jai said with a rather demanding and sniggering tone, "What? I wasnt staring  at her ass." "Yes you were dont deny it, you slut." "Shut the fuck up Jai." I turned to see who it was it was Charlie just standing there smirking, "Oh sticking up for the boyfriend now. Are we?" She stood there, "Thats it Jai you are so  going in that water." She lunged at him and put him over her shoulder, christ was she strong and sure enough he was in the water. "Justice accomplished," "You must be pretty damn strong to lift him," "Thats what ive been told," "You are perfect, shit i never meant to say that ou-," i was interupted as her lips pushed against mine.  I smiled through the kiss cause i mean who wouldn't.

Charlies POV

"You are perfect, shit i never meant to say that out-" i pushed my lips against his, i felt him smiling and then he pulled away. "Sorry, it had to be said," "Dont apologize its cute that you think im perfect." "Im glad it came across in a good way but i have one question why do you keep kissing me if you said no to the date?" i stood there, i shouldnt tell him. Screw it, "Because i should have said yes okay?" why did i say that, ugh im such a failure in life, "Really?" he says blushing, damn did he look cute when he blushed, "Yes." "Okay then lets try this again. Charlotte will you go on a d-date with me?" aww he studdered when he said date, "Yes i would love too." 

Lukes POV

"Yes i would love too." YES!!! Woah i have a date with Charlie fucking O'Connor. "Alright then." I put her over my shoulder and started running to the water, "Luuukkkeeee, put me down." "Nevvveerrrrrr!!" I let go of her when we were in the water. "Is this payback for Jai?" "What no it looked fun when you did it so i decided to do it you and i was right it was." She leaned forward, is she going to kiss me, she dunked my head under water. I opened my eyes to see her under too, leaning forward and this time she kissed me. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, she opened up i put my arms around her waist.


A/N I will try and make this better. luv yas

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