The Beach (continued)

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Jai's POV

Luke is so falling for this girl. He never brings a girl along to meet us because apparently we embarrass him which is completely true. I was out of the water now. "Beau, do you think Luke is falling for Charlie?" "Obviously, i mean they are kissing eachother every fucking 5 minutes and he always calls her babe and she is always calling him cutie so hell yeah is he falling for her and so is she for him." Daniel popped up, "I heard you talking about the two love birds and i would like to add that they are kissing under water." Me and Beau just started laughing,"Look they are back out the water now," "How long did they stay under for?" Beau asked still laughing, "About 5 minutes," Luke was now infront of us, as Charlie went to take a call, he said, "Jai can i talk to you for a minute?" I followed him to the back of one of the beach houses.

Lukes POV

"Right what the hell is it Luke, we were having a nice conversation about your little make out sessions with Charlie." "What? Never mind so i asked her why she kept kissing me 'cause she said no to the date and she said she should have yes so i asked her again and she said yes, and i need your advice on where the fuck should i take her on a date?" Jai was just staring at me oviously still trying to gather the information that i had thrown at him together, he then spoke up, "So you have a date with her now?" "Yes," "And you dont know where to take her," "Yes," "For fuck sake Luke you are 17 think. Take her to the beach with a picnic at night," "So the beach. Ok i can do that. Also whats wrong with her kissing me all the time?" "Nothing just that you cant stay off her for 5 minutes and that you constantly have your tongue in her mouth." "I can i just choose not to and not all the time." "Fine Luke but you have to admit your falling for her," "Fine i am falling for Charlie ok but dont tell the guys right, please," "Too late, i recorded that last part and they are also right behind you," "You dickheads, have a nice life i am going to go find Charlie."

Charlies POV

"Mom im fine, im just with a few friends at the beach, right ok bye." I hung up the phone, I walked walking back to where our towels were. I got a text from Jai, it was a voice message i listened to it, 'Fine i am falling for Charlie ok but dont tell the guys ok?' i seen luke walking towards me, i put my phone away. Let it go Charlie he will tell you when hes ready. "Hey i was looking for you?" he kissed my cheek sitting down next to me, "Luke listen to this message cutie," i played the message from Jai. "I am going to kill him, i a so sor-" "Luke relax, calm down i like you too," i lean in to kiss him and he closes the gap. God do i love his sexy lip ring.

Lukes POV

"Luke relax, calm down i like you too cutie," i closed the gap of the kiss and slipped my tongue in, she wrapped her arms around my neck, i put my arms round her waist. This was by far the most intense kiss we have ever shared, she moved forward and wrapped her legs around my waist. I am totally going to kill Jai. i could hear sniggers behind me but i ignored them because i was really enjoying this kiss. "Luke, you slut your on a beach calm down with the tongue," Jai says, i pull away a little, "Shut up Jai," I go back to her lips but she moves backwards, i groan impatiently. I look over at Jai, "Pleased with yourself," "A little, i see my plan went well," Charlie speaks up, "I'm sorry your plan," "Yh my plan to get you and luke to admit your feelings and it worked." She was no longer on my lap but chasing Jai, "You little shit, why are you messing with our," she paused, "us."  "Hey i helped you guys. You seemed pretty damn cosey a minute ago, " she tackled him i was laughing so hard, "Ha , apologize for being a little shit and i'll let you go," "Neevvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrrr," she started tickling him, "Stop,stop, stop, im sorry im sorry," she continued with the tickling, "What are you sorry for?" "For being a little shit, now stop," she got off him and started putting her clothes back on. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to behind the beach hut.

Charlies POV

I took his hand and led him behing the hut. "So what are the plans for the date cutie?" he replied with, "Its a surprise. Is tomorrow at 7 ok?" "Yeah 7 sounds great," i kissed his cheek and walked back over to the rest of the guys, James was the first to spek up, "You dont have to go hide to have a little make out session with Luke," then Jai, "Thats not what they were doing. They will be talking about their d-" "Shut up Jai," i signalled with my eyes to the 3 boys sitting looking confused as fuck, Daniel then said, "We already know about the date," i flashed him a warning look as Luke came over to join us, he sat beside me and put his arm round me, "What you all talking about?" i said, "Beau would you like to fill him in on the details?" Beau stopped laughing and said,"We were talking about your date?" Luke immediatly turned to Jai and dived at him.

Lukes POV

I dived at Jai, "Why the fuck did you tell they assholes?"Jai pinned me down, "Because its funny when you get mad." Jai loosened his grip, i pushed him off and said, "I'm not mad, i am just frustrated," "Yh whatever kiss and make up." "Fine." He jumped on my back and shouted, "To the car."

The car journey wasnt as awkward on the way back as Charlie had fallen asleep and was cuddling into me. Beau parked the car and Charlie woke up. I walked her home, kissed her good night and went home.


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