4: Awkward conversation

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Once Sarina was ready to go she left out with Sasuke who took her to where he lived, as they walked Sasuke couldn't help but look at her more than a few times. "You know Sarina you have a lot of people who really care a lot about you."

"So Sakura told me-I don't understand how people who I don't even know care about me." Sarina said confused as she looked to Sasuke

Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle. "That's due to Gaara and Ino-Even though Gaara won't admit to it I know he's the reason why a classmate of ours was murdered two years ago."

Sarina blinked her eyes a few times. "W-Why would he do that?"

"It's because he was so sure that you had died with your siblings and parents. He really cares and likes you a lot even after knowing what you went through."

Sarina looked down at the boots that she wore and sighed out. "Sakura told me about the crush that gaara had on me too-I don't understand how he could like me when he saw me once-maybe twice before my siblings ended up dying."

Sasuke placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ever heard of love at first sight?"

"Heard of it but don't believe in it. It's a bunch of crap." Sarina said as she looked at him.

"Try telling that to him, he thinks that the only one who'll do you any good is him." Sasuke said as he motioned for her to follow him to a case of steps.

She did quietly only to have him pull her into the house since she was afraid to go inside it. He told his parents beforehand about Sarina and they were more than okay with having her stay with them. So when the two of them went inside Sarina clung onto Sasuke arm tightly. Sarina was very alert when it came to seeing where Itachi was only to soon see him with Sasuke's parents.

"Welcome home Sasuke, I see you have her with you." His mother said sincerely

"Thanks mom, Sarina this is my mother and father. Mother, father-this is my friend Sarina Sanchez." Sasuke said

His mother and father greeted her kindly as she shyly and nervously waved a greeting to his parents. His parents saw just how timid she was and got up making her hide behind Sasuke.

"What's wrong Sarina? Why are you so scared?" His mother asked concerned

"I...Itachi..." She said sadly

"You know of our eldest son?" His father asked

She nodded her head sadly. "H..He hurt me when he was friends with my elder siblings. He...He scares me a lot. I'm afraid he'd do the same thing over again."

"Itachi uchiha! What did you do to this poor girl that made her scared of you?!" His mother asked sternly to him

Itachi just shrugged it off, but that didn't sit well with his parents. His mother pulled on his ear as he winced a bit as he saw 'the glare' coming from his mother. "Itachi Uchiha you better answer me right now or I'll ground you right here and now!"

He still didn't speak so Sarina did. "Mrs. Uchiha-I can tell you what he did to me. But he'll just deny it though."

Both parental's were looking straight at her. "Go on Sarina." Sasuke said with a nod of his head

She nodded her head and she spoke shakily. "Your eldest son raped me many times and he would slap me on the face and hit me on my back when I would reject him being around me. He even helped my own brother rape me many times by holding my body to a wall and to the floor of the basement of the place I once lived in." Sarina said sadly

Sasuke looked to her sadly as he then looked to his parents. "It's because of the way he had treated her that made him and I fight a lot. The two of us had different opinions on how to treat Sarina-while I treated her with respect, he treated her like utter crap." Sasuke said sincerely

"Itachi up to your room now and give me your phone and computer. You are grounded for two months from electronics and from leaving out. You are to think about what you've done to her." His father said seriously

Itachi glared at Sasuke and Sarina before he gave his father his phone before going upstairs to get his laptop. Once he got his laptop he had went downstairs to give it to his father.

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