22: Welcome back Gaara!

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When the two of them went to school the next day everyone was shocked to see Gaara and Sarina next to him. Gaara knew he had to ignore everything that was whispered as he got to his locker which was right beside Sarina's. As they got to their lockers Naruto, Shikamaru and Sai came up to Gaara.

"Welcome back Gaara, it's good to see you again." Naruto said with a grin

"Yeah welcome back, Sarina said she'd bail you out but I didn't think she'd actually do it." Sai said sincerely

"It's good to see you once more Gaara, it's good to have you back around. Sasuke has been at it again." Shikamaru stated seriously

"Thanks guys, I know that he has Shikamaru. Sarina told me everything this morning when Temari had driven us to school." Gaara stated with a smile

"So what exactly happened with you? We all know that the press are known for exaggerating everything." Sai asked

Gaara sighed out as he got his back from his locker before he shut his locker door. "I was pissed off that Sarina had trusted Sasuke more than me, I went to go talk sense into her only for my mind to snap. It was an accident that I had ended up Killing Sasuke's parents and injuring his elder brother. But they had it coming when they kept me from seeing Sarina."

"You really are protective over her aren't you?" Naruto asked

"Yeah I am." Gaara said as he looked to where Sarina was to see that she was still getting her things out of her locker.

He went over to her only to see that she was quietly sobbing out. He made her look at him to see why. "Sarina what's wrong?"

Sarina took out of her locker many pieces of paper with bad slurs on it as well as some with curse words on it and a few telling her to go kill herself. Gaara told Shikamaru, Sai and Naruto that he'd talk to them later he had to deal with a problem. They all understood and told him that they'd talk to him later that day in lunch. Gaara then had her get her books out of her locker before they talked to their homeroom teacher about what's going on, asking to see the principal about what happened.

Shocked that Gaara would want to see the principal after what had happened with him before, his homeroom teacher allowed him. So the two of them took the papers to the main office as the announcements went on. They talked to the secretaries before they were told to come to the principal's office. Gaara did most of the talking once most of the talking due to Sarina being in too much shock and depressed about the whole ordeal.

After showing the principal the papers, it enraged her that someone would dare do something like that to a fellow student. The principal; Tsunade Senju had called in one person who she knew would do such a thing since Tsunade was the first person in the building that day. Gaara and Sarina stayed in the office while they waited only a few minutes before they saw Sakura who was smiling innocently with a few hickey marks on her neck proudly showing.

"Yes Miss Senju?" Sakura said innocently

"Don't act coy with me woman! Why the hell did you place these on Sarina Sanchez's locker?!" Tsunade said seriously slapping her hand down on the table.

Sakura was dumbfounded and shocked. "I..I never did anything like that."

"So you're telling me that you've never gotten anywhere near her locker today?"

"I pass by it to my own but that's about it." Sakura said confused

Sarina then spoke up. "Um...M-Miss Senju...D-Do you think the Camera's in the hall would show what happened?"

Tsunade's eyes lit up hearing Sarina speak. "That's a wonderful idea Sarina. Let's see what the camera's found."

Tsunade went to access the camera's before finding the one that was for the hall where Sarina's locker is in.

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