21: Backstabbing friend

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After being taken around the house Gaara was surprised that his old things were placing into a room neatly. He was more than astound that Sarina would do such a thing for his siblings and him, he didn't know what was going on but he was thankful that Sarina had the brains to actually talk to him about what was going on instead of being ignorant about the entire situation. Having taken a shower he went to bed peacefully knowing that he was safe and wouldn't have to deal with anything harsh anymore.

With Sarina, she was talking with Temari and Kankuro who were happy that she was a woman of her word. That she had actually taken Gaara out of juvenile like she said she would. Temari had hugged Sarina and cried against her thanking her for what she had done as Kankuro just smiled in approval. After talking to the duo they went to bed, but she didn't, she went to her own dance studio so she could ware herself out from napping for hours on end waiting for a cheater.

Speaking of a cheater, half way through her dancing she got a call so she answered it and she saw that it was Sakura. "What the fuck do you want?" She said unamused

"Yikes, what crawled up your ass and died?"

"How about me trying to call Sasuke earlier and hearing him say for you not to be so damn loud only for you to say that 'it felt so good'. Bitch you can't tell me that you didn't just get done fucking him." Sarina said unamused

Sakura was quiet before Sarina sighed.

"See, this is why I was so unsure about being with Sasuke to begin with, I KNEW that you'd fuck shit up-I also thought that Ino would try some shit but she's been pretty chill about it and went with Sai. But you...Tch I should have seen this coming, since you seem to enjoy stealing other people's boyfriends you can keep him. I don't do sloppy seconds and I sure as fuck don't want his ass after you've touched him." Sarina said seriously

"I didn't think things would get that bad when I was helping him find a good tux to wear. I swear he was the one who came onto me!"

"Yeah sure-It takes two to tango, you're the one who opened your legs you could have easily kicked him in the balls but you didn't now did you? We're not friends anymore Sakura, I can't be friends with someone who'll just end up stealing someone else's boyfriend." Sarina said before she hung up

Sarina then sighed out as she ran her hands through her hair. "Fuck me this is bull shit. I swear she tries to talk to me tomorrow I'm gunna have a problem." She muttered to herself.

"Can't sleep Sarina?"

Sarina jumped as she heard Gaara's voice, she looked to the side as she frowned a bit. "Yeah, Insomnia is a bitch."

Gaara walked up to her and he cupped her face in his hands before he brushed his thumbs against her cheeks softly. "Seeing you with insomnia lines is really bad C'mon why don't you sleep beside me?"

She sighed as she placed her hands over his. "Okay...just this once I guess I can sleep beside you. I guess you haven't been able to sleep peacefully have you?"

Gaara shook his head. "No, the memory of your face being scared shitless cause of me...it's been constantly burned into my mind. I've never wanted to do something like that to you." He said sadly

"Well you can make it up to me now. Let's get some sleep Gaara."

They went up the steps after Rina had turned the light off for the room they were in. Once they were snuggled into Gaara's bed he had her in his arms as he saw that her eyes were shut as she was leaned up against his chest. "I know it might be a long time for you to feel the same but Sarina I-" Gaara said before he was cut off by her lips on his.

"I love you too Gaara now please sleep."

Gaara blinked his eyes a few times confused but he wasn't going to question her just yet. He just accepted the fact that Sarina was calm beside him and had just kissed and told him that she loved him. Two things he never thought she'd ever do so soon.

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