18: Hospital's...

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After making sure that Gaara was taken away, Sasuke and Sarina went into two different ambulance. Sasuke with his parents-Sarina with Itachi. As Sarina sat by Itachi she held his hand, not wanting him to feel like she hated him...Truly she didn't. She just disliked how she was treated by him. Itachi was surprised by the sheer touch of her skin against his.

"Sarina...you're such a strange girl."

"Oh thanks...like I need that out of a guy that's bleeding half to death." Sarina said sarcastically

He chuckled a bit as he looked to her. "Sasuke told me that the two of you are together, I'm not surprised you two are together. Honestly if you were to have gone with that Gaara kid I would have been livid. Sasuke has been overly obsessed with you for years. He might be hiding it, but he really likes you."

"Is that why you were treating me how you were?" Sarina asked confused

"Yeah..cause I didn't want my brother to be around someone who was a whore...but after your siblings died and you were left. I had watched over the two of you when you first came here...I wanted to see if what I heard from Sabrina was true. That you never keep your hands to yourself; learning that it was a lie. I began to believe that the rest of things I were told where lies as well. Just getting the evidence was pretty hard cause you chose to be around that insane guy."

"It wasn't that I chose to be around him. I was merely supposed to be around Ino for a while so she could help me out with a few things-but she forgot me while you guys were out seeing your family. I had an anxiety attack and well...he found me." Sarina said sadly

"Anxiety attack? So you have those as well..."

"As well?"

"Yeah...at times my mother would have them. Knowing that-I probably shouldn't have done what I had to you when I did. But it's the past and I can't change that."

"True on that, but the future is unpaved and mysterious."

Itachi was quiet for a moment before he squeezed her hand as he coughed a bit. "I wish to apologize to you Sarina, you didn't deserve what I-and many others placed you through. You're a wonderful person and I hope that you don't leave my brother's side."

"It depends on him-he still has two other girls on his tail."

"Yeah I know he does. But he has you Sarina, he'll protect you before doing anything too damn stupid."

"I hope you're right on that, but for now I'll just be thankful he cares for me how he does...and itachi...I forgive you. Since you've finally realize what you've done wrong."

Sarina nodded her head as she spoke before she looked to her right as she saw the doors open. She got out with the stretcher that Itachi was placed on. She then let go of his hand as she followed Sasuke to the waiting room. Sarina lied against Sasuke as she held his hand with both of hers. "I talked a lot with Itachi..."

"Glad he can still talk...what did you two talk about?"


"Me? What about me?"

Sarina looked at Sasuke and she squeezed his hand with both of hers. "I know why you agreed to 'fake' be with me...it's because you are hiding that you really do like me. Gaara is probably going to Juvy after going through a bunch of crap to mentally sort his ass out....anyways-what I said to gaara earlier I meant. Even though I did let it slip out....I'm scared of actually showing you how I feel cause-"

She was cut off by Sasuke kissing her on the lips, she was shocked at first before she kissed him back as she could feel him crying into the kiss. She knew why and tried to comfort him after he pulled away from her. "I'm right here Sasuke, don't worry things will work out one way or another."

He pulled her closer to him and buried his face into her neck. "Never leave me Sarina, I don't think I can bare losing you after what has happened."

"I don't ever want to leave you unless I have no other choice in the matter. "

A/n: I realize this is turning into a sasuke x oc story book-but trust me it won't stay that way. It's merely for later drama to happen. I need to tie up loose ends that I never really tied up before. One of them being Sasuke's feelings for Sarina and the harsh thoughts that Itachi thought about Sarina. 

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