30: Wedding and the HAPPY END

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It was in June when the two got married, they had a beach wedding and it was a small VIP only wedding due to Sarina making a name for herself in the process. A video of their marriage went up on Sarina's fan page as it was happening and captured every sweet moment of the two of them being tied together. From the moment that Sarina began to walk towards Gaara to the vows that were said by the two of them that were sweet and to the heart of what they truly felt for one another.

The video also featured the after party and how it came along with the very few guests that had attended the wedding. Sarina's fans got to see a different side to the woman that they had watched sing and perform for two and a half years. They saw her happy smiling and being a total troll to the man that she adored and loved with all of her life. The video also got the speech that was spoke by Shikamaru who was happy that the two of them ended up together.

Knowing that if Sarina had stayed with Sasuke she would have had to deal with a bunch of drama and bull shit that he knew she had no time for. Throughout the entire time that Gaara and Sarina had been together after high school Sasuke had gotten himself into drugs and alcohol which eventually got him arrested for being in possession of illegal drugs, which Itachi had no idea he had in the first place but never bailed his brother out knowing that he had to clean his act up.

While Sakura had ended up becoming a stripper and selling her body off just to keep herself from feeling empty and feeling the envy that she had felt that Sarina had gotten her happy ending unlike she had. She was waiting for Sasuke to get out of Jail so they could start their relationship up once more. Years went by and Sasuke ended up dying while being in jail which broke Sakura's heart when she heard about it, she soon got herself together and went to talk to Sarina about it knowing just where Sarina lived only to get Gaara instead of Sarina.

"what did you want Sakura?"

"Is Sarina here?" Sakura asked uncomfortably

Gaara nodded his head. "Yeah she's in the living room, be careful of the flying blocks that might come your way." Gaara warned her

Sakura was confused on why he would say that but kept alert as she duct her head as she saw a wooden block fly her way. She soon why a block came her way as Sarina was dealing with a pair of twins that were laughing and playing while throwing blocks at the brunette female.

"Yushi stop throwing your blocks mister do you want to go back into a time out! Do you remember what happened last time?" Sarina scolded a young male that had red hair but brown eyes.

"No mommy, I'm sorry." The male said sadly

"Now go get your blocks that you threw and place them away like a good boy."

"Yes mommy."

Sarina then got up and her eyes widen seeing Sakura. "Oh...hey."

"H-Hi...Seems like you have your hands full Sarina."

"Yeah a bit Yushi and Rosi seem to enjoy being assholes. I haven't seen you in a long while how have you been."

"Terrible...Sasuke is gone...I don't know what to do." Sakura said before she broke down crying

Sarina sighed and went over to Sakura before she hugged her tightly. "It's okay. You can start your life over with someone who'll love you better than that asshole would ever love you. He was just using you anyways. You can't seriously think he'd ever love you truly do you?"

Sakura sobbed out against Sarina but said nothing since she knew it was true. "T-Thank you for being so kind...and I know it's really late for me to say this but I'm sorry for all the trouble that I've caused you I shouldn't have done what I had to you before."

"It's okay, let's just restart our friendship now yeah?"

"Mhm." Sakura said with a smile on her face. "Of course."

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