27: Life after school

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After going through their last year of high school, Gaara went through college unlike Sarina. She chose to pursue a carrier in being an idol, she had really wanted to find a way to express herself and make a name for herself. Gaara was more than okay with that as long as she remembered that she had him, Temari and Kankuro waiting for her at home. Which she never forgot about them, she would call them whenever she had the chance to and would always give them updates about her life and how things were going with her.

Gaara was happy that she had made her dream come true as it became to be a half a year of her being gone while he was in college. He wanted her to be happy and knowing that she was doing what made her happy made him happy. As it turned to be two years of her being gone he had heard her singing on the radio while he was in the college's cafeteria which made him stop what he was doing just to hear the lyrics that his girlfriend was singing.

"...safe in your arms, you gave me hope and life. Without you I wouldn't be how I am now. You are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me."

Gaara soon ate again as he kept to himself knowing that she was singing about him...it made him slightly smug about the fact that he had influenced her so much. He only hoped that he'd be able to see her once more, he missed her dearly and just hearing her voice or seeing her face through a screen. He wanted to be able to see her directly, feel her close to him. But he knew that she had her life to live and he couldn't stop that even if he tried to.

She would always find a way to make it so she could still continue on doing what she did best. As months past it turned to be February, there was an event that happened in his college and he wasn't all that thrilled about it due to the fact that all classes were canceled for it. But he went to the auditorium where everyone was told to go for the day. From eight in the morning to noon it was all just stupid acts from different clubs that had been formed throughout the entire college.

Afterwards though gaara shifted in his seat as he heard a familiar sound coming from the stage. "Hello ladies and gentlemen...are you awake or are you sleeping in those seats of yours?"

Gaara was more than awake hearing the voice of his girlfriend. How was she there and how the hell did she get her voice to sound so alluring like that? There were lot of people in the auditorium that were cheering. He soon heard the familiar laugh of his girlfriend before she showed her face and she began to perform for the college. He saw her perform for two and a half hours, those two and a half hours he had to try to stay in his seat and not go up on the stage just to kiss her on the lips.

But he stayed where he was until he saw her jump off of the stage. "Now, I'm just about done here. I have a special gift for a special gentleman that goes to this college." Sarina said as she had gotten from one of her band mates a small bag. "Now where is he."

Gaara tried to hide himself knowing that he was who she was looking for but she soon found him as she bent down to where he was. "Found you deary. Did you really think you could hide from your girlfriend?" Sarina said with a smile

Gaara was a bit speechless and said nothing as she giggled a bit. "I know this is late but I wanted me being here a surprise. Happy late Valentines day Gaara." She said as she handed him the gift she had gotten for him.

Instead of saying anything he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips as a way of thank you. "This was a surprise, but thank you."

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