11: Gaining confidence

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The next two weeks after that Sarina really worked herself to become more confident in what she could do. By the end of the semester when they had to perform what they had learned and flawlessly and confidently Sarina did so. Their teacher cheered for them and Sarina smiled as she looked to Ino who smiled a bit at her and gave her two thumbs up. She felt a bit accomplished before the class ended.

After her last two classes she waited outside for Ino only to be waiting almost two whole hours before she gave up and went to where she lived only to see that her family wasn't even home. So she tried to remember where Sasuke's family was and went there only to see that his family had gone out too.She felt anxiety build up inside of her before she sat on a bench to calm herself only to see Gaara who came up to her. "What are you doing out here on your own? Wasn't Sasuke supposed to be watching over your?" Gaara asked

"He...He let Ino take me for a few nights but I don't know where either one of them are. They weren't at their houses." She said sadly as she held her head

He sat beside her as he wrapped his arms around her. "Deep breaths, it's okay." Gaara said sincerely to her

She leaned herself against his chest as she began to sob out before she held onto him tightly. Gaara rubbed her back and pulled her closer to him before he kissed the top of her head. "You're okay Sarina."

"W-Where did they go?"

"Ino's family goes on annual family dinners, she probably forgot about the fact that she was supposed to take you with her. Sasuke's family went out to see his grandparents and won't be back till tomorrow afternoon." Gaara explained

"T-Then...w-where am I supposed to go?"

"You're coming home with me. I'll talk to Ino when we get home." Gaara said as he pulled her up with him.

She nodded her head as she sniffled a bit. "O...Okay."

She leaned against him as they walked, only for him to carry her after they got to the corner. He had her on his back as it was quiet between them. Sarina shut her eyes as she leaned her head against his shoulder. The walk there was pretty long and Sarina didn't mind it. It gave her time to rest a bit after what she had done that day in school. Once Gaara had taken her inside he placed her on the couch and he helped her with her coat and boots before he got her a cup of cocoa and wrapped her in a blanket.

Once she was warm and comfortable he called Ino on her cell phone. It wasn't long before Ino had answered.

"Hey Gaara what's up?"

"I want to thank you for looking after Sarina, I enjoy going on a walk and seeing her having a panic attack in the middle of the street." Gaara said sarcastically

"Oh shit! I knew I was forgetting something!" Ino said shocked "Is she okay?"

"She's fine now, she's going to stay with me tonight. But you have to take better care of her if you are serious about being her friend."

"I'm so sorry!" Ino said sadly

"I'm not the one you need to say that to. But I figured you might want to know." Gaara said before he hung up the phone.

He then looked to Sarina. "I'm going to let my siblings know that you're here. Please stay put."

she nodded her head and curled up even more with the blanket that was placed around her. Gaara went to find his siblings only to see them in the kitchen.

"Gaara you're back." Temari commented

"Yeah, I brought Sarina back here. She's going to live here-Mom and dad would want us to take care of her." Gaara said seriously

"Don't you dare say shit like that! I'm still not happy that Shikamaru got brain washed by that woman! She isn't welcomed here." Temari hissed out

"What about me don't you like Temari, I've never done anything bad to you or your brothers." Sarina asked sadly

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