9: First one vs one

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The next day when they had their dance class Sarina was ready to go and Ino excitedly went to their instructor saying that she helped Sarina catch up to them and she was a natural dancer. Her instructor was curious and called her over while the class was still getting ready. 

"Yes Mr. Freeman?" Sarina asked curiously

"Ino taught you our lessons yesterday?" He asked 

"Mhm, she did."

"Alright, let's see how you do against me one vs one. First one out of breath has to admit defeat."

"I...I don't know about that Mr. Freeman. I don't think I'm that good. Even if she says I'm a natural dancer doesn't mean that I am one." Sarina said nervously 

"Let's just see where you are, I'd like to be able to help all of my students where they lack. And you're my student so at least let me do my job as your teacher." He said placing a hand on his chest where his heart was. 

She was nervous but nodded her head. He placed on techno style music as he showed her what was expected of her. When he motioned that it was her turn she let the music take control of her body as she moved with the beat of the bass. As more and more people came into the room they saw what was going on between the two of them and they cheered either their teacher or classmate on.

Sarina was the first person that ever had a one vs one with their teacher, it was exciting to see just who would cave first. Their teacher was surprised with how flexible her body was and how she was able to go from a hand stand to a back flip with ease-which was something even he couldn't do. He gave her props and called his own defeat as he paused the music. He clapped his hands as he tried to gain his breath.

"Now that's what I call a natural dancer, Ino has a keen eye for dancing so it's no surprise she said what she had to you Sarina. Don't doubt yourself, you did excellent today and I have very high expectations for you from this day on. Congratulation on winning today, I wasn't expecting a mere sixteen year old girl to give me a run for my money but you did today."

She looked at him sheepishly. " I wasn't expecting this to even happen to be honest. I was just following what my heart wanted to do..T-That's all."

The elder male grinned at her. "And that's good, you should always listen to your heart Sarina. Now lets see if your classmates and catch up to your natural talent. Everyone line up time for class."

Most of them whined out as Sasuke and Ino smiled at her happily, Sarina was able to sit on the side to cool down and relax from overheating her body so much. After school she talked with one of the Gym teachers about getting her stamina and her strength up which they were more than happy to help her with as long as she had someone with her. 

So she dragged Ino with her to help her burn the fat of the pastry cakes she knew her friend had been eating. 

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