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The one who does that is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning.

-John 3:8 (Bible)


The guards standing by the door of the room bows as they see the man enter the place with two other guards walking behind him, he was wearing a grey suit, his leather shoes clicking on the floor with each step, hair parted from the side, his face looked prideful like he owns the whole world, with a sinful aura he walks to them like the king of the jungle, they abruptly opens the door to the room wide for him to enter.

The room was big decorated by the lavish furniture, with a large table in a centre and comfortable chairs to the side occupied by several men, munching snacks and having drinks being served to them from time to time. They turn to him hearing the door open, welcoming him with a smile.

"Mr Jeon" they smile as he walks to the far end of the table sitting at the place reserved for the boss of the bosses. A waiter quickly comes by his side to serve him, he takes a sip of the hard drink liking the harsh taste of it burning his throat.

"Gentlemen, though it's not basically suited for us to be called gentle" Song sounded smooth and controlling, face giving slight resemblance with Jeongguk, they laugh loud at the comment.

"We have gathered here to talk on some issues that needed to be addressed sooner than later, I am happy that you all gathered on a short notice, nice of you to join us Hwang Kang , Gi Yong, Son Miyang, Joey Wells, I know how hard it is for you to give us time, traveling here from Ulsam, Lee Nelson from Gwangju he is doing a really good job, Park Seung from Incheon, Naul from Daejeon and Min Woojin from Busan" they raise their glasses in acknowledgement. They were all men in their thirties to fourties, all well suited, owning millions of money.

"I feel that most of you forget that I get all information on what you people are doing, specially my friends here" the three tenses up, hearing the sharpness in the tone.

"What are you talking about?" Miyang asks leaning on his seat. He was quite buffed and well built, face showing no fear.

"I always support you in whatever you want to do, giving you full rights and freedom but I don't expect for you to meddle in the matters of my business" Song gaze fixes on Kang whose face hardens immediately in anger and annoyance. Kang was the one with short temper, his finger had the shining platinum band on display, while he takes down more of the drink down his throat, face showing age and tiredness, though he was not that old.

"What is the meaning of pointing it out here?" He questions.

"Coz it's a lame move by your side, we already agreed that no one will interfere in my nephew's project other than me, that too with calculative moves, but it seems like you are eager to ruin it" the men give Kang a look who just shrugs.

"Don't teach me, I know what I am doing" he answers

"I am at this place for making the right decisions for you all and I don't think I have ever done anything that has effected our business in anyway, sending your underling their in a major project means showing your identity" Kang scowls hearing it.

"Don't forget that you are here because of us, we gave you this place and can take it away too" he looks at Song voice venomous.

"Calm yourself, you two, this is not going to solve anything" Yong interrupts, passive of them all, quite popular too for his business.

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