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There is nothing more calming in difficult moments than knowing there's someone fighting with you.

-Mother Teresa




"Self defense involves strength but most important is technique, you should know the right place to attack, so I will show you if someone tries to grab on your shirt or collar, how can you tackle it" Taehyung stands in front of the class full of girls listening attentively to him.

He used to teach the girls self defense while he was not working for Jeon but now since he is busy most of the time with work, he limited it to Sundays or whenever he was free, today is his day off and a good day to resume his old work. He bows in front of the other teacher who was there all the time to assist him in the class, the teacher bows to him too and then grabs his shirt to proceed with the demo.

"Aim for the elbow and as his palms loosens try to break his thumb" he shows the demo, pressing lightly on the teachers thumb, the girls clap for him.


"Okay so now I want you all to try it one by one, dont go too harsh on each other and break their thumb, you just have to learn the technique" the girls laugh, nodding enthusiastically standing one by one to carry on with the lesson.

The class is interrupted with a person knocking at the door of the classroom. Taehyung turns around to find none other than Jin standing there with little Lizzy in his arms who was busy sucking on her pacifier.

Taehyung takes a leave from the class and walks out, over to Jin taking Lizzy from his arms.


"What is it?" he asks eyes not living Lizzy.


"You are free today right?" Jin asks hesitantly.


"Uh-huh" he plays with Lizzy's fingers.


"I am having an important meeting and Joon is busy in investigation can you-"


"I will don't worry" Taehyung interrupts him earning a smile and hug from him.


Jin looks at him for some time, they both didn't talk about the event at and after party, it seemed like Taehyung was not comfortable to discuss it and Jin was understanding enough to not push it, he was happy that the younger is looking a little soft and more like himself past days and if that require not knowing the things that had happened, he will gladly ignore it. They walk towards their office to discuss on some matters that need to be taken care of and when things are done on Taehyungs part he goes back to his car asking his driver to take them back to their house, but in the midway Wonho makes a call to him.

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