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Warning- Some graphical depiction of violence and blood


Your deeds decides your future



Taehyung was scrolling through the article on the mobile, his jaw clenching at the mention of the three mafias who were interrogated and found to hold no link in the black market that the deceased was involved in, he sees the photos of the three walking out smiling at the camera, and grits his teeth, he wont let the matter die soon and smirks as he gets the notification that the parcel was delivered. He leans back on his chair sighing, the office room was so quiet, Jeongguk was not there, he always worked hard for the growth of the company and specially for his project, looking at his empty chair one part of Taehyung regrets sending the parcel while the other voices out it had to be done, this is what Jeons deserve. He looks at the time, picks his belongings and leaves for home.

The ride to the home takes more than an hour as he busies himself shopping for his training equipments, when he reaches home, he looks at Namjoon watching news, eyes showing anger as the channel kept on showing photo of Jeongguk with Hwang Kang both smiling during handshake, reporters claims that it was a deal signed between the two where Jeongguk had the self help trainees under his project work with the financial assistance provided by Kang, they were accusing him of the involvement in organ trafficking, telling how his project is nothing but a political agenda to hide dark business.

Namjoon turns to look at Taehyung, disappointment evident in his eyes "What have you done, Tae?" 


Taehyung looks at the screen now showing Jeongguk surrounded by media just outside the office building, his friends protecting the young CEO to safely reach the building entrance.

"It had to be done" Taehyung answers voice just above whisper, his other part yelling at him, making him feel guilty.


"Haven't I told you to judge him first, what caught you so bad?" Namjoon asks still not believing the youngers action, Jin was not there, busy with his work, he misses the other as somebody who can talk out things better than himself.


"The reason that he is a Jeon is itself strong"

Jeongguk denies the accusations, telling it to be a normal family and friends meeting but the media shoots him with more questions.

"I doubt that he is to be blamed for holding the same surname, or being involved in the crimes, which I don't think he knows of" Namjoon tries not to lose patience, his head was paining now.

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