Chapter 6

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Emma POV

You guys can go home whenever now. the nurse said

Ok. I said and walked out of the hospital with Justin's arm around my waist.

Just think me and you get to have fun tonight. Justin said

Yup stupid cancer got in the way. I said

Haha yup. Justin said then we made it to his car and we drove back to his house we then arrived at his house and went inside I sat down on the couch and Justin sat beside me.

I then got up put both legs on his sides and started kissing him then I entered my tongue and then Justin stood up taking us upstairs then we got to his bedroom. I then took off my shirt and he took off my pants I took off his shirt he took off his pants he unhooked my bra and I took off his boxers he took off my under wear and then we got into bed. we then started kissing more rough and then Justin inserted himself Into me then he started to thrust.

FUCK! I yelled

Am I hurting you. Justin said

No continue. I said then we continued

Then about a hour later we stopped both panting and sweating.

I'm going for a shower. I said

Me too. Justin said then we went for a shower we then came out and saw It was 7'o clock.

I'm hungry. I said making my way to the kitchen I grabbed a box of cereal and grabbed a bowl and milk poured cereal with milk into the bowl and grabbed a spoon and started eating. then Justin came down. he grabbed a pizza and stuck it in the oven. I then finished eating I went into the living room and sat down watching the Ellen show then Justin came in and sat on the couch next to me eating a slice of pizza.

Want a piece. Justin asked.

No I'm fine. I said.

Okay. he said eating another piece of pizza. I then looked at my phone and saw it was 10'o clock then I went onto Instagram. I wrote a comment on a picture that said.

" Hey everyone I have found out that I have breast cancer I may only have a short amount of time to live''

I then turned off my phone and put it on the couch Justin stood up and went to the kitchen then he came back and sat down. I then put my head on his shoulder.

I love you babe. I said

Love you too. he said then we watched t.v and then I looked back at my phone to see it was 12'o clock.

I'm going to bed. I said walking up stairs.

Ill come. Justin said. Then me and him made our way up to our room we then got up to our room and went to sleep. I soon fell asleep in seconds with Justin's arms around me.

I woke up to see Justin's head on my stomach I yawned and then he lift his head up.

Hey babe. he said then kissed me.

Hey. I mumbled.

You hungry. Justin asked.

No I'm fine. I said

Good night last night. He said

Really good night. I said then got up and went to my closet and grabbed my robe I then put it on and went to the bathroom. I then headed downstairs and watched t.v I grabbed my phone and read the comments on the picture that I commented on

OMG you have cancer

OMG we will keep you in our prayers

Then there were mean ones a lot of them but I don't care some people are just haters and some aren't so I like the people who are not haters. I then put my phone on the table and saw Justin come out of the kitchen with a bowl with orange juice on the side. he then sat down beside me he then handed me the glass of orange juice I took a sip and handed it back.

I fight for what i Love ( Justin bieber fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now