Chapter 15

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__________________ Emma's POV

I woke up to Justin sitting beside me I sat up and put my head on his shoulder.

Your up. He said

Yea. I said

Tonight I just need to do one concert then we can go home. He said

Yea then we can go to the doctors. I said

Ya. He said I kissed his cheek he pushed me so I was lying down he started to kiss me I kissed back I pulled away and smiled I sat back up and put my head on Justin's shoulder. A few minutes past I got up and walked to the bathroom I started the shower then waited till it was hot. I hopped in an showered I washed my long blond hair and my body when I reached my baby bump I rubbed it slowly then smiled just the thought of me having a child with Justin made me happy. I stopped the shower and hopped out I heard talking so I got dressed And walked out scooter and Justin were sitting on the couch.

Hello Emma. Scooter said

Hey scooter. I said I walked downstairs and sat on the other side of Justin. I watched tv while Justin and scooter talked.i was watching the Simpsons then I heard a knock on the door. I got up but Justin stood up he walked to the door and I sat down.

OMG IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER. Some girls screamed

Scooter hide. I said

No It's okay. He said

Okay. I said three girls walked in.

Hello. I said

Hi. The girls said

What's your names. I said

Well I'm Hanna this is

Brianna and this is Erica. Hannah said

Nice to meet you's . I said

Nice to meet you too. They all said Justin came and sat beside me I stood up and walked upstairs I went onto my phone and played around on it. I got a message from my mom.

From: mom

Hey sweetie how's everything going with Justin and your pregnancy.


It's going good with me and Justin same with the pregnancy.

I shut my phone off and walked downstairs the girls were gone and it was just Justin and scooter sitting on the couch I went and sat in the chair. Justin and scooter talked then scooter left i stood up and walked to the couch I sat beside Justin and kissed him he kissed back I pulled away and put my head on his chest He rubbed my back I lifted my head up from his chest.

Babe will you still love me when my stomachs huge. I said

Of course I will baby i don't care about your looks as long as your the same Emma I fell in love with. He said

Aww thank you baby.

Why I did nothing. He said

Well you make me feel special. I said

Well you make me deal special too. He said I kissed him and he kissed back I pulled away and put my head on his shoulder. Justin got a phone call he stood up and walked upstairs I watched tv for a few minutes then Justin came down.

Who was that. I said

Just my mom. He said

Oh okay. I said he came and sat beside me again then my stomach started to hurt really bad.

Babe you okay. Justin said

Ya I'm good

You sure. He said

Yea. I said he put his

Arm around me I lied down and put my hand on my stomach Justin put his face so it hovered over mine and kissed me I kissed back he pulled away but I grabbed his neck and made him kiss me again. I pulled away and looked at the tv to see that Ellen was on

" there is a rumour that I want to find out if its true. People are saying that Emma and Justin bieber are going to be parents so Justin if your watching come bye anytime to tell me." Ellen said

We can go do that right now if you want babe. Justin said

Ya I just need to get dressed. I said

Ya go ahead. He said I stood up an walked upstairs I went to the closet and got a long hot pink dress. I grabbed my white high heels I put them on and brushed my hair. I walked downstairs Justin Was in a nice suit I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. I grabbed a apple and ate it I threw out the core Justin walked to the door and opened it I walked out he closed it and we walked to his car and drove to Ellen's lot for her show. We arrived and parked the car we walked threw the doors and went backstage Ellen was standing there on her phone.

Hey Ellen. Justin said

Hey guys. She said putting her phone in her pocket.

How's it going. I said

Good follow me. Ellen said she began walking I followed after her se brought us onto the stage me and Justin sat on a couch and she sat in a chair. We were now on the show.

Justin bieber and Emma stones are here everybody. Ellen said the crowd began o scream.

Hi everybody. Me and Justin said

So about the rumour is it true.are you pregnant. Ellen said

Yes I am pregnant. I said

Really how many months are you pregnant. Ellen said

I'm three months. I said

Oh really now. Ellen said

Yea I'm really excited but scared. I said

Ya well when I heard that you were pregnant I got you guys something. Ellen said she grabbed a onesie from a bag and handed it to me it was blue and said Ellen across it.

Aw thank you. I said

Your welcome we will be back after the commercial break . Ellen said me and Justin stood up she stood up and we walked back stage

It was nice seeing you again. I said

You too. Ellen said

Well we better be going. Justin said

Okay well bye. Ellen said

Bye. Me and Justin said we walked out of the building and walked to his car we drove back to the hotel We walked in I sat On the couch when Justin went and got changed into his concert clothes we left again to the arena. We arrived then walked in.

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